Help Notification (Key or blips etc.) 7 Contextual Code Ex. Snippets C# SHVDN3 - 5mods/tutorials GitHub Wiki

Hello everyone, Here is a complete tutorial on "How to create your own Help notifications with Key bind or Blips" in C# / SHVDN3 It show different key bind depending on what you are using & actually game state or (moving) Blips, Street, & more ! I also added 7 different context of use for each 7 possibility, and so 7 example of use ! So depending on your actual knowledge you may learn a lot more then only Help Notifications ! It may be considered as code snippets, I tried to put as much knowledge as possible, I hope it's not too much ! KeyBoard = KeyBoard Controller = Controller

Each Notifications could show Blips, Key, Player/Ped & More !, Text may be Bold or Colored & More ! (Full list =

Care not Tested , AFAIK If you want to use moving Blips, or anything that requires constant update (Moving, or alive, & more) You could only use Easiest Way - Normal Way:2nd - Natives&Hard Way:2nd Precising those Informations will be appreciated !

Both line #region & #endregion aren't used by the code, they are only useful for us coder, Here is an exemple of use,


It's almost always from easiest to hardest !

  • Easiest Way (Exemples: Display when the game & scripts are fully loaded !)
  • Normal Way
    • 1st : Show Help ONE/EACH tick. > Exemple Context : Dipslay when Player position is next to Shop position
    • 2nd : Show Help until its turned off by Same line > Exemple Context : Display when User press Key, With anti-Spam Securitybolded text
    • 3rd : Show Help until it's turned off by different line > Exemple Context : Display when User press Key, With Closing Timer
  • Hardest & Natives Way
    • 1st : Show Help ONE/EACH tick > Exemple Context : In cover, Health refill, with cost and display !
    • 2nd : Show Help until its turned off by Same line > Exemple Context : Simple random Dice Game, with Smart display !
    • 3rd : Show Help until it's turned off by different line > Exemple Context : Press F Joke, When player reach 90km/h = 25 M/s

Easiest way (Thanks to @JohnFromGWN) =

In your scripts you just have to call EACH Tick this function :

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpTextThisFrame("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop");//Here you put the text you want between " "

To end obviously stop calling the function ;)

Exemple Context : Display when the game & scripts are fully loaded !

Here it will wait until game is loaded to just display help notification, then it will be closed by user pressing the key

public class ModName : Script
    public ModName()
        //...Your Method/Function...
        Tick += onTick;
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //...Your Method/Function...
         bool textSeen = false;  //This will be used to stop "Help" display
         if (Game.IsLoading == false && textSeen == false)     //Check loading state , & if text as been closed
             GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpTextThisFrame("~r~Game ~y~is ~g~Loaded ~w~! ~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~g~Close ");//Here you put the text you want between " "
         };          //Dont miss ";" after each if() {}; or if() {} else {};
         if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(GTA.Control.Context)) //If user press E or left then >
         { textSeen = true; }; //It put textSeen on true, so it stop display !, Take care of each ";"

Normal Way (Thanks to @Jitnaught & @JustDancePC) =

1st : Show Help ONE/EACH tick

(Need to call on each display tick so !) [Arguments = Loop: false |Shape: 1 to 50]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop",1,true,false);//Here you put the text you want between " "

Exemple Context : Dipslay when Player position is next to Shop position

Shop Position = x:-212 y:-1618 z:34 It will display Help when player position is next / near to Shop position

public class ModName : Script
    public ModName()
        //...Your Method/Function...
        Tick += onTick;
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //...Your Method/Function...
         if (World.GetDistance(Game.Player.Character.Position, new Vector3(-212.4f, -1618f, 34.1f)) > 4f) //Distance Check 4f=4m radius around Vector3 Pos
             GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop",1,true,false);//Here you put the text you want between " "
         };          //Dont miss ";" after each if or if else

With this exemple it will stop displaying when player will move from the RADIUS (4m) around Vector3 location If you did any other way To end obviously stop calling the function ;) (Here if(World.GetDistance...) increase it just automatically stop calling !)

2nd : Show Help until its turned off by Same line

(Is turned OFF is the game/scripts reload) [Arguments = Loop: false |Shape: -1]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", -1,true,false); //Here you put the text you want between " "

Exemple Context : Display when User press Key, With anti-Spam Securitybolded text

Here, For exemple, we will call when User press Input_Context, The key showed on picture, Keyboard:E Controller:Right

public class ModName : Script
    #region Initilization
    bool security = false;    //Here we initialize a security Boolean Value to false
    int timeCounter = -1; //Here using an init to -1 allow us to use this int from 0 to X without confusing with (Re)Initialization Value
    public ModName()
    { /*...Your Method/Function...*/ }
    #region OnTick
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)          //You need to know one Tick +- = one ms
        //...Your Method/Function...
        #region Control or Input
        if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(GTA.Control.Context) && Security == false)   //Here we get user input, and check security
             GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", -1,true,false); //Here you put the text you want between " "
            security = true; //Here, we activate security to avoid double input or lags (Only one key press each 1/5sec)
        #region Security & Time Counter  
        if (security == true) 
             if (timeCounter < 0) { timeCounter = 200; };                  //Here it is start point, so it start the time counter, 200 is a time in ms, So 0.2 sec or 1/5 sec
             if (timeCounter > 0) { timeCounter--; };           //Here "--" is like timeCounter=timeCounter-1, So each ms it decrease -1
             if (timeCounter == 0) { timeCounter = -1; security = false; }; //Here, when a really small time have passed, It reinitialize to default : the timeCounter(=-1) & the secuity Lock(false)
        }; // ";" always after if(){}; or if(){}else{};

To clear the Help, User just press the key again ! If you did it another way, just call the exact same function again.

3rd & harder : Show Help until it's turned off by different line

(Keep open even if the game/scripts reload) [Arguments = Loop: true (then false) |Shape: 1 to 50]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", 1,true,true);  //Here you put the text you want between " "
GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", 1,true,false);  //Same text, false instead of true

Exemple Context : Display when User press Key, With Closing Timer

Here, It will call when User press Input_Context, The key showed on picture, Keyboard:E Controller:Right ) Then it will close after 10 sec (Instead of Natives:1st exemples, We will use a derived timeCounter to count time in sec instead of ms(=basic tick))

public class ModName : Script
    #region Initialization
    int timeReference = Game.GameTime + 1000;  //Initialization of time references, used to count in sec
    int secTimeCounter = -1;     //Here, initialization at -1 avoid confuse with the timer ends ! same as Natives:2nd exemples
    public ModName()
    { /*...Your Method/Function...*/ }
    #region OnTick
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)          //You need to know one Tick +- = one ms
        //...Your Method/Function...
        #region Control or Input
        if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(GTA.Control.Context))   //Here we get user input
             GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", 1,true,true);  //Here you put the text you want between " "
             secTimeCounter = 10; //Here, we activate closing time counter (Here it's in sec, so 10 sec, if user re-press it restart time counter to 10sec, if you don't want, add Natives:1th example security)
        #region Sec Time Counter  
        if (timeReference <= Game.GameTime)    //With this simple if & its last line, everything in will occur each sec or 1000ms
            if (secTimeCounter > 0) { secTimeCounter--; }; //Each 1000ms, 1 sec pass & so decrease
            if (secTimeCounter = 0) 
                GTA.UI.Screen.ShowHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop", 1,true,false);  //Same text, false instead of true
            timeReference=Game.GameTime+1000 //With this simple line, each seconds or 1000ms, we add 1sec before next occurence
            }; //AS always, dont miss the ";" 
        }; //If an error show or if parts of the mods dont load my advice is to check each "if" from top to end !

With this exemple it will stop displaying after 10sec If you did any other way To end call the function again with false instead of true for the last agruments !

Harder way, In a learning & understanding way (or any other goal) =

More Time & code needed for the exact same result, So it's useful only for helping working with native, as well as using method/function, well Explaining & Understanding all of this, may help people to understand how SHVDN is made & works, (And maybe contributing to improve/update or doing it their own). & Understanding HOW Natives Works (Which could be game Changer)

I recommend creating a Method in the class ModName : Script Depending of how you wants to show the Help we will have different possibility = (From easiest to hardest)

1st : Show Help ONE/EACH tick

(Need to call on each display tick so !) [Arguments = Loop: 0 |Shape: 1 to 50]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop");//Here you put the text you want between " "

Exemple Context : In cover, Health refill, with cost and display !

Display an help with a cost relative to player health when Player is low life, & in cover since at least 5sec , Then , if player press the key & have the money, then it take money & refill health First, we start creating our method/function !

public class ModName : Script
    public ModName()
    void FloatingHelpText(string text)
            Function.Call(Hash.BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, "STRING"); //"STRING" Isn't important put what you wants !
            Function.Call(Hash.ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME, text);
            Function.Call(Hash.END_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, 0, 0, 1, 10); //Here the first agruments is always 0/  Second arguments is Loop: 0 or 1/ Third is Beep, always 1 (AFAIK)/ Fourth & last is Scale(aka duration): -1 to 50

Now we have our method, lets call it in our scripts, at EACH tick ! (Could be used everywhere) We will start converting tick/ms in Sec/1000tick/1000ms, We will need to count each second spend in cover, This counter will restart if player leaves cover, & when counter reach 5 we will display ! NB: If you use SHVDN2 stop & use 3, no it's a joke even if 3 is better, just use UI.Notify instead of Notification.Show

public class ModName : Script
    #region Initilization
    int timeReference = Game.GameTime+1000; //Initialization of time references, used to count in sec
    int coverTimeCounter = 0; //Time spend in cover in sec
    int cost = 0;   //Used to calculate cost of health refill
    bool isReady = false; //Used to know if it's ok to refill player health when key pressed
    public ModName()
    { /*...Your Method/Function...*/ }
    #region OnTick
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)          //You need to know one Tick +- = one ms
        //...Your Method/Function...
        #region Sec Time Counter  
        if (timeReference <= Game.GameTime)    //With this simple if & its last line, everything in will occur each sec or 1000ms
            if (Game.Player.Character.IsInCover == true) { coverTimeCounter++; } //When player is in cover, each sec it add +1, no ";" here because of next else
            else { coverTimeCounter=0; isReady = false; }; //Else restart timer !
            if (coverTimeCounter >= 5 && Game.Player.Character.Health <= 150f) //Check the time in cover and the health
                cost = (300-Game.Player.Character.Health)*5; //Calculate Health refill Cost
                FloatingHelpText("Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to refill your health for "+cost+"~g~$");  //display help with cost !
                isReady = true;    //Allow refill
            }        //Never any ";" before else
            else { isReady = false; }; //Reset, AS always, dont miss the ";" 
        #region Get User Input
        if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(GTA.Control.Context) && isReady == true) 
            if (Game.Player.Character.Money >= cost) 
                Game.Player.Character.Money -= cost;  //Here y -= x is like y = y-x
                Game.Player.Character.Health = (cost/5)+Game.Player.Character.Health;  //Tricky calcul to get health value user paid for !
                Notification.Show("Thanks for your purchase, Your now full Health !");  //Display, Above map (not help)
                isReady = false; //Reset 
            else { Notification.Show("You need more money ! It cost = " + cost + " $"); }; //Above map notif' if it not possible
            timeReference = Game.GameTime+1000 //With this simple line, each seconds or 1000ms, we add 1sec before next occurence
            }; //If an error show or if parts of the mods dont load my advice is to check each "if" from top to end !
    }; //each if need his ";" or "else" each need ";" or another "else" !

With this exemple it will stop displaying when player will move from the Vector3 location If you did any other way To end obviously stop calling the function ;) (Here when if(World.GetDistance...) increase it just automatically stop calling !)

2nd : Show Help until its turned off by Same line

(Is turned OFF is the game/scripts reload) [Arguments = Loop: 0 |Shape: -1]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

void FloatingHelpText(string text)
            Function.Call(Hash.BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, "STRING"); //"STRING" Isn't important put what you wants !
            Function.Call(Hash.ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME, text);
            Function.Call(Hash.END_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, 0, 0, 1, -1);  //Here the first arguments is always 0/ Second arguments is Loop: 0 or 1/ Third is Beep, always 1 (AFAIK)/ Fourth & last is Scale(aka duration): -1 to 50
FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop");  //Here you put the text you want between " "

Exemple Context : Simple random Dice Game, with Smart display !

Next to the Casino diamond, Pos = x:924 y:47 z:81 First let's build 2 Function/Method, a HelpText & a Randomizer

public class ModName : Script
    public ModName()
    void FloatingHelpText(string text)  //HelpText function/method
            Function.Call(Hash.BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, "STRING"); //"STRING" Isn't important put what you wants !
            Function.Call(Hash.ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME, text);
            Function.Call(Hash.END_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, 0, 0, 1, -1); //Here the first agruments is always 0/ Second arguments is Loop: 0 or 1/ Third is Beep, always 1 (AFAIK)/ Fourth & last is Scale(aka duration): -1 to 50
    void randomizer(int low,int high,out int var) { Random rnd = new Random(); var = rnd.Next(low, high); } //Randomizer function/method using Random().Next()

Now we have our method, lets call it in our scripts, (Could be used everywhere)

public class ModName : Script
    #region Initialization
    Vector3 diceGamePosition = new Vector3(924f,47f,81f)
    int timeReference = Game.GameTime+1000; //Initialization of time references, used to count in sec
    bool isNear = false;     //Used to know if player is near
    bool isOpen = false;    //used to know if Help is actually  displayed
    bool gameLaunched = false;  //used to know when the dice game is launched or not
    bool resultDone = true;      //used to know when the dice game result is here or not
    int gameCounter = -1;        //used to count time before result
    int result = -1;          //used to know which result the dice gived us
    public ModName()
        /*...Your Method/Function...*/ 
        #region Blip Generation
        Blip diceGame = World.CreateBlip(diceGamePosition); //Create blip
        BlipCrate.Sprite = BlipSprite.Casino;   //Set image = icon =sprite
        BlipCrate.Color = BlipColor.GolfPlayer2; //set Colors
        BlipCrate.Name = "Dice Game";        //Set Name
        BlipCrate.IsShortRange = true;       
    #region OnTick
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)          //You need to know one Tick +- = one ms
        //...Your Method/Function...
        #region Control or Input
        if (Game.IsControlJustPressed(GTA.Control.Context) && isNear == true)   //Here we get user input only if player is near dice game !
            if (Game.Player.Character.Money>=25) //Check if player had enought money !
                Game.Player.Character.Money-=25; //take money
                FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); //Stop Help display
                Notification.Show("Thanks for your purchase, the result will take 3sec"); //Display Thanks message
                gameLaunched = true; //Used to start counter ! Logics usage
            else { Notification.Show("You need more money, at least 25$ !"); }; //else display fails message
        #region Result 
        if(resultDone == false && Result > 0) //Check if result is needed
           switch (result) //Here the most complicated part, For each result, this switch will go to associated case: 
               case 1: Game.Player.Character.Money+=100; Notification.Show("~p~Amazing ! You wins the Jackpot ! + 100$ ! 4 Free game more !"); FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); result = -1;  return;
               case 2: Game.Player.Character.Money+=25; Notification.Show("~g~Nice ! You wins 25$ ! A Free game !"); resultDone = true; FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); result = -1;  return;
               case 3: Notification.Show("~r~You didn't win anything ! Try again !"); resultDone = true; result = -1; FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); return;
               case 4: Notification.Show("~r~You didn't win anything ! Try again !"); resultDone = true; result = -1;  FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); return;
               case 5: Notification.Show("~r~You didn't win anything ! Try again !"); resultDone = true; result = -1;  FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); return;
               case 6: Notification.Show("~r~You didn't win anything ! Try again !"); resultDone = true; result = -1;  FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); return;
           }   //return is needed at end of each case to get out of switch !
/* Each switch case do : - Give money when win - Display result message - Re-initialize result to -1 - Re-initialize  resultDone to true - Re-Display Help Notif' "Press ... to ..." */
        #region Sec Time Counter  
        if (timeReference <= Game.GameTime)    //With this simple if & its last line, everything in will occur each sec or 1000ms
            #region Get Distance
            if (World.GetDistance(Game.Player.Character.Position, diceGamePosition) < 5f) { isNear = true; } //Here we change a bool depending on player proximity, It allows us to use our isNear instead of SHVDN World.GetDistance(Game.Player.Character.Position, diceGamePosition) < 5f
            else { isNear = false; }; //Then Make sure to have Dis-activator after, like this line
            #region Display & Clear Display
            if (isNear == true && isOpen == false && resultDone = true && gameLaunched = false) 
            { FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); isOpen = true;}; //When player is Near & Help is NOT open & Not waiting for game result or game starting !
            if (isNear == false && isOpen == true && resultDone = true && gameLaunched = false) 
            { ​FloatingHelpText("~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~start ~b~Dice ~g~Game ~w~! Cost is 25 $"); isOpen = false; };  //When player is NOT Near & Help is open & Not waiting for game result or game starting !
            #region Dice Game
            if (gameLaunched == true)  //If the game is launched, start the 3sec counter !
                if (gameCounter > 0) {gameCounter--; }; //Main Counter
                if (gameCounter == -1) { gameCounter = 3; }; //Start the Counter
                if (gameCounter == 0) {gameCounter--; randomizer(0,7,out result); gameLaunched = false; resultDone = false; };
             }; //End the Counter
            timeReference=Game.GameTime+1000 //With this simple line, each seconds or 1000ms, we add 1sec before next occurence
            }; //AS always, dont miss the ";" 
        }; //If an error show or if parts of the mods dont load my advice is to check each "if" from top to end !

To clear the Help User just press the key again !

3rd & harder : Show Help until it's turned off by different line

(Keep open even if the game/scripts reload) [Arguments = Loop: 1 |Shape: 1 to 50]

Essential scripts with no exemples or context :

void FloatingHelpText(int loop, string text)
            Function.Call(Hash.BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, "STRING"); //"STRING" Isn't important put what you wants !
            Function.Call(Hash.ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME, text);
            Function.Call(Hash.END_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, 0, loop, 1, 10); //Here the first arguments is always 0/ Second arguments is Loop: 0 or 1/ Third is Beep, always 1 (AFAIK)/ Fourth & last is Scale(aka duration): -1 to 50
FloatingHelpText(1 , "~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop"); //Here you put the text you want between " "
FloatingHelpText(0 , "~b~Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ ~w~to ~y~Open ~b~Car ~g~Shop"); //Same text, 0 instead of 1

Exemple Context : Press F Joke, When player reach 90km/h = 25 M/s

First let's build a Function/Method This one is a bit different, it had 2 arguments instead of 1, It allow us to change the "loop" value !

public class ModName : Script
    public ModName()
    void FloatingHelpText(int loop, string text)
            Function.Call(Hash.BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, "STRING");
            Function.Call(Hash.ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME, text);
            Function.Call(Hash.END_TEXT_COMMAND_DISPLAY_HELP, 0, loop, 1, 10); //Here the first agruments is always 0 / Second arguments is Loop: 0 or 1/ Third is Beep, always 1 (AFAIK) / Fourth & last is Scale(aka duration): -1 to 50

Now we have our method, lets call it in our scripts,

public class ModName : Script
    #region Initilization
    int timeReference = Game.GameTime + 1000;  //Initialization of time references, used to count in sec
    bool isHelpActivated = false; //Boolean to check if the help is on or not
    public ModName()
    { /*...Your Method/Function...*/  }
    #region OnTick
    void onTick(object sender, EventArgs e)          //You need to know one Tick +- = one ms
        //...Your Method/Function...
        #region Sec Time Counter  
        if (timeReference <= Game.GameTime)    //With this simple if & its last line, everything in will occur each sec or 1000ms
            if (Game.Player.Character.Speed >= 25f) 
            { FloatingHelpText(1,"~b~Press ~INPUT_VEH_EXIT~ ~w~to ~y~have ~b~LOTS ~w~of ~g~FUN !"); isHelpActivated = true ;} //no ";" after this if because of next else, When player reach 25m/s = 90km/h it display the text/joke
                if (isHelpActivated == true) //Check if help is actually displayed, avoid closing already closed display
                      FloatingHelpText(0,"~b~Press ~INPUT_VEH_EXIT~ ~w~to ~y~have ~b~LOTS ~w~of ~g~FUN !");
                      isHelpActivated = false; 
            }; //If not, stop the display
            timeReference = Game.GameTime+1000 //With this simple line, each seconds or 1000ms, we add 1sec before next occurence
            }; //AS always, dont miss the ";" 
        }; //If an error show or if parts of the mods dont load my advice is to check each "if" from top to end !

With this exemple it will stop displaying if speed <25m/s or <90km/h If you did any other way To end call the function again with 0 instead of 1 !

Conclusion & End

Then it should work ! If not fell free to ask ! If anyone need help it will be a pleasure for me, I'm not a robot, due to the size of this (those?) tutorial, Mistake are possible ! Any constructive advice or unseen miss report will be appreciated Also if anyone have any suggestion/modifications to make the code better I'm open minded ;) I really hope it will help someone, has it took me several day to fully understand and find how to :P See you & have fun !