Weevely Webshells - 5huckle/OFFICIALTECHJOURNAL GitHub Wiki


How to do

  1. Upload backdoor to desired webserver

Use FTP to connect to desired web server via ip address


Note: If the server is anonymous, the username is 'anonymous' and the password is left blank

Use put / mput to upload your file to the server

put /usr/share/webshells/php/simple-backdoor.php

NOTE: I wrote this before completing the prior lab that gave us webshells to use, so I do not actually have the correct code for uploading this specific script, however the syntax is the same.

This uploads your backdoor to the webserver


What is it?

Weevely is a stealth PHP web shell that simulate telnet-like connection. It is an essential tool for web application post exploitation, and can be used as stealth backdoor or as a web shell to manage legit web accounts, even free hosted ones.

How to use

  1. First, generate a file

weevely generate password /home/champuser/file.txt

This generates a script with 'password' as the password under the new file file.txt located in /home/champuser/

  1. Push this script to the web server

ftp put /home/champuser/System42.php

  1. Access the backdoor by using weevely and specifying the location on the target server


  1. Run commands to initiate the session


My first attempt will be to use scp to transfer simple-backdoor.php to the /var/www/html directory on under an admin account and hope that it deploys it.

scp simple-backdoor.php [email protected]:/var/www/html

UPDATE: This did not work as I do not have the sufficient privileges on the target box.

I will try the python3 server now because why not.

UPDATE: I did not end up using the python3 server, instead I ended up using my ssh access to access peregrin.took and move the desired files around where I wanted. Then I used wget to extract them from the webserver. I do not understand how to execute a web shell yet so this was my alternative. This worked.

  1. Using wget from hostbox, target the desired file

wget (I moved the passwd file into /var/www/html to be able to do this)

For everything above, I was doing it on the wrong server. I am unable to use these techniques for the correct server.

Another issue I was having was being unable to upload files to the target server due to a passive mode glitch. The fix was mput instead of put, which worked for some reason.

UPDATE: This did not work in the end, it was not a long term fix. I do not know what the cause of mput working was, but it only worked once, which is all I needed.

Another issue I was having was with weevely itself. It gave me an error involving padding. I ended up fixing potentially by adding

base64.b64decode(s + b'==')

to the end of the php file generated. However I'm not too sure if this was the right fix, or if it was the new file I created on my second attempt that just ended up working without any issues.