Procedural Generation - 5Daydreams/Personal-Notes GitHub Wiki

This is a link-library to topics I've studied regarding PCG, I intend to organize them better as time goes on, but for now, here's the idea: (btw, I'm going to refer to both "procedural content generation" and "procedural generation" as PCG, as they're usually interchangeable)

Inspiration and Ideas - this is where there's not a lot of direct coding, but mostly analysis on how and why procedural generaton is useful or interesting. I highly suggest watching these only after you're a bit more advanced and don't know where to go. I also highly reccomend watching them before you know anything about PCG to get hyped.

Noise - contains implementations and examples regarding noise generation, which is useful to control the randomness of your generator in specific ways, studying these are what will allow you to have a PCG which is better suited to your needs. I currently do not have applications paired with their noise type, but I want to do that soon.

Code Samples - Any tutorial/article where there's an explanation of the logic and code samples.

Miscellaneous - I still have no idea how to classify these, but they either are tangents or cool applications.

Wave Function Collapse

WOW. This thing is amazing. I really want to look into it for PCG:

A Medium article by Mateusz Bugaj

Gridbugs' article

Research Article on WFC

Unity playlist on WFC

Robert Heaton's article

Inspirations and Ideas

Kate Compton's GDC talk - Procedural Generation - Kate, if you ever find this, I love your work - huge fan <3

Tim Holman - Generative Art Speedrun

An amazing showcase of the WFC algorithm

Jamis Buck on several maze algorithms

Code Samples

Sebastian Lague - Procedural Cave Generation - I recently played a bit with this and perlin noise and the results are really cool!

Coding Train - Lorentz Attractor

Coding Train - Recursive Fractal Trees

One Lode Coder - Procedural Universe

One Lone Coder - Procedural Mazes

Free Code Camp - Recursion

Path of Exile's Loot Table - Analysis with Source Code


Coding Train - Genetic Algorithm - I'm including this because it's a tool that helps us "fish" the correct result in a bad random generator.

Coding Train - Marching Cubes 2d - same as above.

Proc Jam - the Procedural Generation Game Jam