Sprint 3 Feedbacks and Grades - 401ChemistryGenealogy/ChemistryGenealogy GitHub Wiki
Chemistry Genealogy Sprint 3 [56.5/100]
Please note that this grade only evaluates your performance as a team. Individual efforts will most definitely be taken into account eventually at the end of project.
Code [39/65]
- The team had 3 stories to do for this sprint. Non of them are completely done, however the team had some progress on all three stories. All three stories have what seems to be a working front-end and one of the stories have a complete backend.
Documentation [0/10]
- No language documentation (automatically generated documentation) was found in team's repository. (Please let us know if you had that somewhere)
Testing [7.5/15]
- The team has quite enough unit tests for the search story, however the team has not implemented any acceptance test.