Array Sorts - 401-advanced-javascript-jonnygraybill/data-structures-and-algorithms GitHub Wiki

Quick Sort

How Work?

  • Quicksort works by picking an element from the array and denoting it as the “pivot.” All other elements in the array are split into two categories — they are either less than or greater than this pivot element.
  • Each of the two resulting arrays (array of values less-than-the-pivot and array of values greater-than-the-pivot) is then put through that very same algorithm. A pivot is chosen and all other values are separated into two arrays of less-than and greater-than values.
  • Eventually, a sub-array will contain a single value or no value at all, as there will be no more values with which to compare it. The rest of the values were all denoted to be “pivots” at some previous point and did not trickle down to this lowest sub-array. At that point, the values will be sorted, as all values have now been declared as less than or greater than all other values in the array.
const quickSort = (
  comparator = defaultComparator

) => {

  // Create a sortable array to return.
  const sortedArray = [ ...unsortedArray ];

  // Recursively sort sub-arrays.
  const recursiveSort = (start, end) => {

    // If this sub-array is empty, it's sorted.
    if (end - start < 1) {

    const pivotValue = sortedArray[end];
    let splitIndex = start;
    for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
      const sort = comparator(sortedArray[i], pivotValue);

      // This value is less than the pivot value.
      if (sort === -1) {

        // If the element just to the right of the split index,
        //   isn't this element, swap them.
        if (splitIndex !== i) {
          const temp = sortedArray[splitIndex];
          sortedArray[splitIndex] = sortedArray[i];
          sortedArray[i] = temp;

        // Move the split index to the right by one,
        //   denoting an increase in the less-than sub-array size.

      // Leave values that are greater than or equal to
      //   the pivot value where they are.

    // Move the pivot value to between the split.
    sortedArray[end] = sortedArray[splitIndex];
    sortedArray[splitIndex] = pivotValue;

    // Recursively sort the less-than and greater-than arrays.
    recursiveSort(start, splitIndex - 1);
    recursiveSort(splitIndex + 1, end);

  // Sort the entire array.
  recursiveSort(0, unsortedArray.length - 1);
  return sortedArray;

Merge Sort

How Work?

  • Merge sort is an example of a divide-and-conquer type sorting-algorithm. The input for merge sort is an array of integers of length n, which needs to be sorted, typically from least to greatest. What merge sort does is it splits the unsorted array into two parts and then you recursively apply merge sort to these sub-arrays to further split the arrays until you are left with a bunch of single-element arrays.
  • Then, you compare single-element arrays to one another before recombining them into a two-element, sorted array (and so on). If you do this repeatedly, eventually you end up with a single, sorted array of length n.
var unsortedArr = [340, 1, 3, 3, 76, 23, 4, 12, 122, 7642, 646];
function merge(leftArr, rightArr) {
var sortedArr = [];
  while (leftArr.length && rightArr.length) {
    if (leftArr[0] <= rightArr[0]) {
      leftArr = leftArr.slice(1)
   } else {
      rightArr = rightArr.slice(1)
  while (leftArr.length)
  while (rightArr.length)
  return sortedArr;
function mergesort(arr) {
  if (arr.length < 2) {
    return arr; }
  else {
    var midpoint = parseInt(arr.length / 2);
    var leftArr   = arr.slice(0, midpoint);
    var rightArr  = arr.slice(midpoint, arr.length);
    return merge(mergesort(leftArr), mergesort(rightArr));
console.log('This should be the sorted array!')

Insertion Sort

How Work?

  • Insertion sort works by looking at each element within a list (starting with the second element) and comparing it with the item before. If the item before is larger, they are swapped. This continues until the item is smaller at which point we do the same for the next element in the list.
function insertionSort(array) {
  var length = array.length;
  for(var i = 1, j; i < length; i++) {
    var temp = array[i];
    for(var j = i - 1; j >= 0 && array[j] > temp; j--) {
      array[j+1] = array[j];
    array[j+1] = temp;
  return array;