Deploying open_iA - 3dct/open_iA GitHub Wiki

For installing/deploying open_iA, we use CPack, which is a part of the CMake tools suite. You can use it to easily create an installer package. Make sure you have a working build (see Building open_iA), then follow these steps:

  • In CMake, select the installer type you want to build.

    • Under Windows, we have tested CPACK_BINARY_NSIS. You will have to install the Nullsoft Installer System if you want to build your own installer packages (
    • Under Linux, we have tested CPACK_BINARY_STGZ, which will build a self-extracting tar.gz Archive (.sh extension). The package build process here requires the "patchelf" binary file to be installed and available in the path (should be available in the package repository of all major distributions).
  • In CMake, "Configure" and if everything is successful, "Generate".

  • Build in "Release" mode:

    • In Windows/Visual Studio, this can be selected as Configuration Type in the Visual Studio (Debug/MinSizeRel/RelWithDebInfo/Release combobox)
    • In Linux, this has to be manually specified in CMake under "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE".
  • Build open_iA (see links at the beginning of this page)

  • Create installer package:

$ cpack

Example output (from Windows, having checked CPACK_BINARY_NSIS):

CPack: Create package using NSIS
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Install project: open_iA
CPack: Create package
CPack: - package: C:/TOOLS/open_iA/bin/open_iA-2017.05.exe generated.