XCode升级到7,Jenkins持续集成失败 - 2877206/docs GitHub Wiki


  1. xcodebuild报错No identities from profile “…”,解决办法:
  • 删除Xcode中的Apple ID。

  • 删除全部文件/Users/ett/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles。

  • 重新导入Apple ID。

  1. 删除使用的Provisoning Profiles。 Finder找到项目xcproject,删除Provisioning Profile。XCode打开项目,重新设置。

In the Project Navigator on the left, select your project (the topmost line of the Project Navigator). Now simply choose View > Version Editor > Show Version Editor. This displays your project as text, and you can search for PROVISIONING and delete the troublesome line, right there in the editor pane of Xcode. 3. jenkins指定Provisoning Profiles、指定Code Sign Identity。