Sprint Retrospectives : Project 2 - 220725-JavaFS/synergy-crazy-carbonara GitHub Wiki

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Was I organized in my approach to completing Sprint tasks?
  • What are things I tried that worked well for me during the project?
  • What happened during the Sprint that I didn't expect?
  • How can I make the next Sprint better?
  • How was communication among the team?
  • What could be done to improve teamwork?

Jairo Diaz-Ortiz

  • I wasn't as organized as my last project. My first time working with other people in a professional environment was a new thing for me.
  • I have asked for help and my coworkers helped me with complex concepts.
  • The API didn't work as I expected and Docker was tricker to implement.
  • Get a fast start on the project and to understand roles more clearly.
  • A bit rusty but gotten a lot better at the end.
  • More communication at the beginning of the project would help more.

Matt Fox

  • For this sprint I did a good job of communicating with my group and getting making sure that the different branches were integrated together.
  • What worked well for me was communicating on set times to work on pieces of the project with group members so that we could help each other with problems and make sure both pieces still worked after integrating
  • I didn't expect to run into so much trouble connecting to the API. Luckily I was able to find a workaround after a long time.
  • Start better organizing from the beginning and have a clear leader.
  • Communication started off rough but got better as time went on
  • Better communication

Kira Smiley

  • This sprint I stayed organized relatively easily. Even so, it was more difficult than usual because I had to adjust to working with a team and rapidly changing objectives but overall I was able to commit to tasks in a structured manner.
  • One thing that worked well for me for this project was performing my tasks in blocks as opposed to trying to finish everything all at once with no particular structure.
  • I really didn't expect to have such a hard time understanding and implementing httpSessions and Jenkins/Docker. It was a major setback for this project.
  • I am determined to learn httpSessions and Jenkins/Docker in order to keep them from being setbacks during the next project.
  • Initially, communication amongst the team was staggered and unorganized but once everyone had a better understanding of the project goals and their individual tasks it became more efficient. During the last week, collaboration amongst the team was especially high and contributed to a better working/looking project overall.
  • Teamwork for this sprint was great. I don't think there are many improvements to be made. Everyone was eager, helpful, and willing to acknowledge novel or opposing ideas.

Ryan Brooks

  • I was well organized the spring tasks
  • i worked on the IGDB API, Junit, LogBack
  • My pace was too slow and loss of a teammate
  • My pace has to get better
  • Communication was typical for a entry-level group setting
  • There Improvements in all areas