Sprint Retrospectives : Project 0 - 220725-JavaFS/synergy-crazy-carbonara GitHub Wiki

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Was I organized in my approach to completing Sprint tasks?
  • What are things I tried that worked well for me during the project?
  • What happened during the Sprint that I didn't expect?
  • How can I make the next Sprint better?

Jairo Diaz-Ortiz

  • I believe I was organized in my tasks. I had trouble in the beginning but I managed to put their files in their respective places
  • Taking regular breaks during workflow
  • Waiting for more educational material to help me with the project
  • Be more diligent in working every day or having a more consistent schedule

Jonathan Lang

  • I finished the main elements of the project; however, by the near end of the project I had lot of backlog features piled up for stretch goals.
  • Actually implementing a DAO design in my project.
  • During the earlier phase of my project my updated inputs wouldn't connect with the database, but eventually it was resolved.
  • Dedicate more resouce and time on making a clear plan including possible backlog features.

Matt Fox

  • I feel that I was was pretty well organized. My Files and code was organized in a way that made logical sense and were able to interact with each other in an appropriate way.
  • Checking user input validation as I went really helped me to make sure that there wouldn't be any issues with that as well.
  • One thing that I didn't expect to do have to do as much of was going back and modifying methods that I thought were already finished. Occasionally I ran into issues where I wanted to call a method I already made somewhere else but with how it was coded I ended up needing to change the method a bit before it would work properly. This can be solved by better planning for what methods will be called and when they will be needed.
  • For the next sprint I could make things better by taking more time in the beginning to plan out what methods each object will need to call to structure my code better.

Kira Smiley

  • I was very disorganized to start but once I got my bearings I adapted a more organized approach to building my code, although I was not quite as organized as I would have liked.
  • One thing I tried that worked well for me was focussing on coding in blocks.
  • Towards the beginning of the project I got a stack overflow error in java which was definitely unexcepted. In the end, the problem was simple enough for me to resolve the error even though generally it is not recommended to try to do so. I also didn't expect it to be so difficult to get my account balances to match up when making deposits, withdrawals, and transfers but I believe part of that problem was that I only loosely understood how to use objects in java and their importance at the start of the project.
  • I could definitely make the next sprint better by touching up my organizational skills and managing my time more efficiently.

Ryan Brooks * * * *

Tyler Ross * * * *