Standup Notes Jan 6th - 220103JavaFS/standup-synergy-tokamak GitHub Wiki



Yesterday I learned and reviewed Java and did some Java programming practice on hackerrank. I figured out how to reset the password of my postgreSQL postgres user that I forgot so I can connect and manage my postgresql database. I also cloned project 0 and experimented with Javalin and JDBC.


Yesterday: We covered a number of other java topics and practiced these concepts in IntelliJ. We also were provided our first project. I decided to build an application for EMS (Employee Management System). I documented the user types and read up on and practiced DAO (Data Access Object) design pattern. I drafted features and stories for each type of users. Created my Kanban board in GitHub.


I attended a webinar on open enrollment for my benefits, and then a lecture on objects in java. I started project 0 and got a basic profile built for a person to be entered into the system.


We talk about our first project assignment, project 0. Lecture about Java Methods, Variables, and Objects. Also, Tim made some examples of how to use objects on java. I was having issues with git-bash went I tried to push my changes to the team repository, and I solved this by creating an ssh-key and using it instead of HTTP. Today we continue learning about objects in java.


Yesterday, I met with my scrum teamI, took some short notes, and I practiced some java code, especially using super and this keywords.


Yesterday we learned some new Java topics with constructors. I downloaded everything I needed for Project 0. I started my project, finished the login and sign up parts of it.



I attend the zoom call and learn and review more Java programming language concepts. Practice some Java and learn more about Javalin.


Today: I will attend training. I plan on reading more about JDBC, SQL to see how that can connect to the DB and setting up a DB. Adding my features to the Kanban board.


I hope to learn more about java and try to get the database running for my project.



Today, I’m going to take notes on today’s lecture.


Today Im hoping to work more with java and do more of my project my goal is to finish the math part of my project with.





Knowledge gaps in project 0 but reading up on what I can and practicing basic examples.


The only blocker I had was dealing with databases. As I haven't worked with them, setting it up and configuring it will take some learning.




Never worked with databases so i'm going to wait for when we learn about it next week.