Project 2 Reflections - 220103JavaFS/standup-synergy-tokamak GitHub Wiki

SatPoint Retrospective


Overall, I am happy with the end product of our project. We had a functional SAP that implemented all the required features and more. On the backend we had a working Spring project that used MVC, Data JPA, and Sessions. I think as a whole we should have focused more on coordination and communication so duplicated code was reduced and functional code/completed work was known across the team. I think I should have focused on testing more during the beginning of the project and doing some TDD. I also think cleaning up my code and doing more documentation like implementing Swagger API docs would have been nice to have.


What I need to improve: not create ugly code. For the front-end, the code I contributed was very ugly and it was not until later that I realized that this kind of code causes frustrations with anyone else trying to understand it. I was more focused on making things work, having fun using inheritance / experimenting in Angular, meeting the deadline. But I need to make sure that I have making code that is easy for others to read / understand as a goal. This is especially important in larger groups. I would have appreciated feedback and advice on how this can be incorporated but instead that code was commented out, so I had to uncomment and integrate it in again with what I understood. The second is testing, I need to be more disciplined in that and test as I go or before I build a function / method.


I really would like to have used the Kanban board more. Throughout the project we were building it off of what the end goal was rather than a list of specific functionality. This led to more overlap then needed, as well as general confusion on where everyone was and what we could be doing. When a specific feature was completed the only way to know that was to explore the codebase every day. I also should have implemented TDD more, but I was focusing too much on actually completing the code. In general our communication was just lacking. I honestly feel the only reason we completed the project was our team’s individual competence, rather than a concerted group effort.


At the start of the project I felt a little lost on what to do for the first week before we learned spring and could start the backend everyone else was doing work with a component and I felt like I was not contributing. I also need to start putting comments into my code for others to see and help them understand easier, I don't think I left a single comment inside of the project. I also need to work on TDD. I did not use it for this project and only tested once I finished writing the entire function. I could have communicated better throughout the project. For the most part I just stuck to my tasks and rarely talked to the others in the group about what was going on. We kind of fixed this the last 2 days we worked on the project.I am happy with what we created, overall I think we accomplished much of what we set out to do for the first full stack project.