Standup Notes Week 3 - 220103JavaFS/standup-amplifire-mamba GitHub Wiki


Bobby - Got some good work done on my project over the long weekend. I implemented proper logging in and out by use of cookies and created my database (although it still needs some work). Today I'm going to work on adding joint account functionality for the project.

Zach - I worked on the project over the long weekend. I was able to implement all my users and login information. I did not get around to implement logback or the bank accounts. Over the next two days I'm going to work on finishing the projects in addition to listening to the lectures.

Mahad - Over the weekend, I really started to work on Project0. I spent too much time studying week 2's materials, but after that I spent even more time working on my database, whereafter I left little to no time working on my Java application. I was able to connect my Java application to my database and send requests through Postman. I've implemented 2 methods, but I must implement some more so that I may update, create and delete records in my database.

Ian - Over the weekend I spent my time working on project0. The three layers of architecture are there, with placeholders for all of the functionality that I want. Much of the functionality needs to be filled in, but a solid 1/4 is there. I feel ill over the weekend so I wasn't able to get as much done as I wanted. But today I plan on attending lecture and then spending the evening working on the project as much of it as possible.

Ivo - Over the weekend I spent an inordinate amount of time reviewing the study materials and then fixing stupud errors in my code for project0. As a result I am running behind schedule.


Ivo - Yesterday I finally managed to fix some coding errors and was able to finally implement the most basic functionality of project0. Today will be a very, very long day for me...

Bobby - Yesterday I finished most of the business end of my project. I'm now going to really focus on the database. I know how my data should be structured and how the controller layers and service layers will manipulate things, but I need to make sure my DAO can effectively get the information out of an actual database.

Zach - Yesterday I finished most of the business logic for my project. I also learned a lot about HTML and CSS. Today I'm going to finish the project and try to finish debugging the parts that still have issues.

Ian - Yesterday I finished up the basic functionality of my project0, today I will trying to implement some bells and whistles like a sign up sheet for new customers, and flags that narrow certain functionality to certain groups of users.

Mahad - Yesterday I had finished the business logic of all of my different functionalities. I had some issues with my server shutting down but thankfully after some long debugging, I was able to resolve the issue. Today I will work more on the project and hopefully finish the different routes meant to be run on Postman.


Skipped meeting today to present out Project0 projects.


Bobby - (Yesterday) Yesterday I put the finishing touches on my Project0 and presented it to the group. After that I spend the rest of the day listening about JavaScript classes. (Today) Now that Project0 is over I'm planning to go back and totally re-go over the notes from the past week. I have to admit my focus was a little divided between lectures and working on the project and I feel that I haven't absorbed the basic info about HTML and JavaScript nearly as well as I could have.

Zach - Yesterday after project presentations I attended the lectures. After that, I didn't really do anything. I just tried to decompress now that the project is over. Today I'm going to learn about the requirements for Project1 and listen to the lectures.

Ian - Yesterday I presented my project, and then attended lectures. Over the weekend I plan on recovering, and getting a start of Project1.

Mahad - Yesterday I pushed my Project0 to GitHub, but I felt nauseous so I had to take the rest of the day off. Today I will do my Project0 demo and hopefully nothing breaks while I am presenting.