Week 3 Notes - 220103JavaFS/standup-alchemy-java-the-hutts GitHub Wiki




Jaehyun Lewis

during the weekends, I was working on project 0, created SQL script, created models, and DAO for project 0. today, I will be trying to finish up the DAO implementation file for all the models.

Michael Ludwig

This weekend I tried to make as much progress on the project as possible. I completed a fair amount of work including password encryption for the database and customer functionality for the service layer and controller. I have also completed partial functionality for the employee and admin controllers and service layer. I hope to begin testing by tonight.

Jeong Kim

last weekend, I have reviewed some of the lecture on SQL and how to connect javalin to the database and worked on my project. I played around with my 3 layers to get better understanding of them. I have set up the required dependencies also. Today I am going to complete may DAO layer and Service layer implemented.

Jeremiah Weaver

Over the weekend I put in some work to my project I began to work on the data base I did need to change my project a little kind of a soft reset. I learned a lot about what makes a data base.

Han Gyul Park

I spent most of the weekend working on the database and DAO implementation. I had to redo the work couple times as I realized that more information and variables were required to create relationships between tables. My plan for today is to at least finish the database completely so I can focus on debugging for the rest of the days till the presentation.


Jaehyun Lewis

yesterday, I added all the service classes and changed DB for a bit to make my project looks more clear. Today, I will try to finish up the project by tonight, and get ready for the presentation.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday we covered HTML and CSS which was very informative. I'm excited to get familiar with the front end. I also played around on the Flexbox Froggy website to get a clear understanding of flexbox. After lecture ended I worked on my project and got a few user stories completed.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday we had a lecture on HTML and CSS. I almost have no experience with them, but they seemed much less complex than the back end. I am going to touch up my controllers for each of my user types and hopefully I will be able to get 3 multi-tier access done.

Jeremiah Weaver

Yesterday we learned about HTML and CSS and what those look it together things like color and how padding works after the lecture I worked more on my project trying to have all three layers for all of my tables. I had to add more tables as well.

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday, I pretty much finished the database. I'm still unsure if my work is done properly or not, but I decided to move on to implementing DAO and create connections for service layer and controller layers. If I did built my codes correctly, I will get the right results by tonight.


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, I created controller and finished all the project work. Today, we had presentation. It was very helpful to see other people's project, and understand what I have missed.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday I implemented the final touches on my project and stayed up very late trying to help out my team member. The basic functionality of the application is mostly completed and the presentation went smoothly.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday , I have been working all night on the project. I had issues with my database set up and took a lot of time on debugging. I wasn't able to implement my multi-tier user access , encryption, and transaction methods due to time constraints. And presentation was very educational by watching other people's work.

Jeremiah Weaver

Yesterday, we started to learn about JS and how that works with HTML and CSS on the front end. Then I worked more on my project trying to present as good of a project as I felt like I am capable of.

Han Gyul Park

I stayed pretty much all night yesterday trying to finish the project. I had couple functionalities working properly, but for some, I couldn't figure out how to fix the issue(s). Compare to how much time I put into this project, I feel like I haven't achieved anything. Things got mixed up in my head so badly I don't even remember what I wrote for the last 1-2 hours. Today, once the presentation is done, I just wish to sleep enough tonight, refill myself and move on to the next project.


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, we have finished our project 0, and presented it to the batch group. Also, we learned about Javascript to get ready for project 1 which is a frontend project. Today, we will continuously learn more about Javascript, and I'll get ready for project 1.

Michael Ludwig

Jeong Kim

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday we learned about DOM and EventListener mostly. The syntax looked similar to Java, but somewhat different and shortened version of Java syntax. Today, we will learn more about JavaScript and probably done with JS lecture.

Sprint Review:

Jaehyun Lewis

It was very challenging to me. This project was the very first project that cover all the backends in this short amount of time. The Database setup is my biggest struggle. Even though I planned it before the project started, I still had to change the database 4 times during working time. Also, I was running out of time, and couldn't do much of the validation code, but I'm glad that I made the whole program work in this short time.

Jeong Kim

I had struggled with my database set up. And I realized how important it is to set up database correctly to make my design more efficient and clean. I had to go back and forth to edit my database many times and it lead me to time constraints. I would take more time on designing database and 3 layer architecture if I were to do another project.

Jeremiah Weaver

My original idea was a to make a Trading Card Game and to have it run in my presentation. However, when I got started on building my database it became clear that my DB was not going to read the 3rd normal from. Nor was it going to allow me to have foreign keys. That meant I needed to soft restart. I left the original three levels in my code, and I added the new better stronger tables which gave be a better idea of what I really wanted in my code. Then the night before presenting I was checking Postman and I did not think it was working. I changed something small in the morning ran a test and found that it was actually doing what I asked for I just was not getting the results I wanted. Later in class after presenting I realized that I had the Loggin controller built but no usernames and passwords in a database to check so since I was not logged in I was unable to view my table.

Han Gyul Park

The project was pretty intense I should say. Especially with the lack of practicing and experimenting, I had hard time implementing desired database table(s) to the features or functionalities. Also, the Normalization added another complexity during designing the whole application. I had pretty solid ideas for my database when building the structure, but excessive amount of ideas ended up overwhelming my brain. I always knew that I think too much when things can be much simpler. I might have built a better application if I had the structures visualized before actually started coding. I wouldn't say I had fun with this project, but it was a challenge I would gladly take again if I have to.

Michael Ludwig

If I go back and do the project again, I would like to consolidate the user and customer tables and break my transactions table into separate transactions. If I learned anything from the project its that database design is EXTREMELY important for the overall operation of the program and the ease of code implementation. I would also have liked to have more time to work on the project.