Week 2 Notes - 220103JavaFS/standup-alchemy-java-the-hutts GitHub Wiki

01/10/22 (Mon)


Jaehyun Lewis

this weekend, I was studying for week 1 notes to prepare for the QC. Today, I will write the plans down on the kanban board for my project 0.

Michael Ludwig

This weekend, I worked a little bit on the project and became more familiar with the technologies being used. JDBC, Gradle, and DBeaver. I also studied for the QC by reviewing the notes material.

Jeong Kim

This weekend I spend time on studying for the last week's lectures to get ready for the QC. Today, we are going to have QC.

Jeremiah Weaver

This weekend, I worked some on my project I also went back over the notes to create a cleaned-up version of notes. and today we had some time with QC.

Han Gyul Park

This weekend, I went over the lectures and demos for upcoming QC and 1-on-1 interview and wrote some pseudocode that depicts how my codes will look like. Today, I plan to add some more to the pseudocode unless something else comes up.

01/11/22 (Tue)


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, we have learn about Javalin, and the rest of the basic Java. Today, I will be practice getting used to using postman.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday we had one on one meetings to discuss our coding assignment and review QC. My implementation of set was slightly wrong but I felt like I learned how difficult implementing a collection can be. I am looking forward to learning more today about Structured Query Language

Jeong Kim

Yesterday, we learned about Javalin and had demos on it, and had an assignment to do on creating set implements. Today, we are going to have 1 on 1 with our trainer, Tim, and have a lecture on 3 layered architecture.

Jeremiah Weaver

Today we looked at Threads, we Looked into JSON-JavaScript Object Notation. Then we took some time to work on our projects and do some one on ones.

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday was the first QC and it was a good experience to be honest. I learned about Javalin, Lambda functions, adding dependencies for Gradle, and how to use Postman during the lecture. Also, class was given an exercise to work on to create an Set class. After the lecture, I went over the questions I couldn't give a clear answer during the QC. Then, I had to work on the exercise we were given because I was not getting it at all. Today, the first 1 on 1 is scheduled, and lectures about more Javalin and JSON are expected.

01/12/22 (Wed)


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, I started setting up project 0. installed javalin, PostgreSQL, and logBack. I haven't had any problem with the project yet, but I will keep watching it. Today, I will start writing the code for the Users model, controller, DAO.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday I was working on project0 and was able to create the controller class for the project and research how user authentication works. I was also able to complete some of the DAO classes for my project. It has been a really helpful experience for understanding full stack web application with java.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday I set up the dependencies required for my project 0 since we have learned about them. Today we are going to focus on Javalin and SQL. I hope I will get to have chance to start the project 0.

Jeremiah Weaver

Yesterday we learned a little about JSON and with one on ones that gave us time to focus on our project0. Today we should get started on learning about SQL

Han Gyul Park

I worked on the Set class exercise pretty much all night because I had hard time figuring out how each Set methods are supposed to be setup. I didn't want it to just work, but I wanted to understand fully how and why certain codes work in such way. For lecture, we only had few hours to learn more about Javalin and JSON due to the 1-on-1 meetings. Today, I am going to setup Javalin connectivity on my project and hopefully write some classes for multi-tier users.

01/13/22 (Thu)


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, I have learn about SQL. Also took the first Java Quiz. Today, based on I learned yesterday I will try to be connect Java project 0 to SQL.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday I learned more about SQL and was able to connect my database and create tables for the project0 that I am working on. I also completed my models and controller layer for the project.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday we had a lecture on SQL and it gave some idea about database and java. Today we will be focusing more on SQL.

Jeremiah Weaver

Today we went even further in depth on SQL writing Joins, Subqueries, Set Operations, Scalar and Aggregate Functions as well as learning about Cardnality and Normalization. We also looked at those in Demos to better understand what they look like syntaxically.

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday, I learned a lot about the SQL. SQL sublanguages seemed really straightforward compared to Java, but so many commands and constraint rules to memorize. I couldn't try every single commands I learned, but eventually I will in the future. Today's lecture will be more of SQL in-depth that will allow me to make further progress on the project.

01/14/22 (Fri)


Jaehyun Lewis

Yesterday, we continued on SQL. Today, I heard that we will be going to be learning how to connect SQL to Java projects, so after learning that, I will try to connect my project 0 with SQL.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday I learned more about SQL and worked on different types of joins that I will need for my project0. These joins should be useful moving forward especially if the program becomes more complex.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday we have learned more about SQL and I had to review the lecture on them since I am not very used to in SQL languages. Today we are actually going to learn how to connect database with Java.

Jeremiah Weaver

Today, we learned what a lot we learned more about SQL. We also learned alot about how DataBases and Java and HTTP all work together to send and receive requests from users and the database.

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday's lecture was a lot to take in at once. The Normalization, especially, was confusing as the normalization level got higher. However, since normalization is required for the project, I will have to learn to make relationships between tables and somehow apply to my project. This whole connection between database and IDE is too complicated for me to understand. So, I plan to review all the lecture videos this weekend and hopefully build most of the codes.