week 3 - 220103-java-etl/Vanquish-RepoSlayers GitHub Wiki


Daniel: This weekend I studied and practiced coding on other websites. Roadblocks: I am still trying to figure out logical placement for code components.

Troy: this weekend I study review sheet, and my notes. I did code assignment on static vs instance. Watch video on algorithm coding. Worked on the library app.

Courtney: I spent the weekend studying and practicing for the coding challenge.

Erik: weekend: I worked on the practice quiz and studied on diffrent strategies to sort arrays. Afterwards I started a crash course on hackerrank.

Leo: Yesterday I went over the concepts and prepared for the coding challenge for QC by practicing different problems.


Daniel: Yesterday, I made a week two study guide and went over some AWS cloud computing concepts. I practiced coding through a third-party service, and I plan to continue doing so to skill build.

Courtney: Yesterday, I studied for the QC and quizzes throughout the day. My scores were a little low, but they were much better than they were last week. After work, I looked over today's stuff. Looking forward to learning about SQL.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After the quizzes and qc, I took notes of my team's interviews and questions and proceeded to make homeade quizzes based off of the Java curriculum.

Leonardo - Yesterday I created the AWS account for the next day lesson. I also went over material asked in QC

Chris - Worked through Week 1 Material to help solidify the material and make a notebook that includes the topics. Plans to cover week 2 material today

Troy - yesterday I review the answers from the test answers. Look over my library mock app as well just written notes. this morning I watched videos on interface.


Courtney: Yesterday, we studied SQL. I need to study SQL syntax. All also worked on the project, but it's not going well. I hope that once I get SQL incorporated into my Java, things will start to solidify.

Erik: yesterday: After lessons, I took notes of SQL and took the SQL micro-course in the Revature curriculum.

Chris- Finished covering Week 1 and Week 2 material, tested some SQL scripts, as well as cloned the repo for project and reviewed the start.

Leonardo Molina - Yesterday I started working on project 1, I was just going over the business rules and I was trying to implement them

Troy - Yesterday I went over the reimbursement project. I review control flow statements for appdrivers. I went over SQL as well.

Dannie- Yesterday I went over more of the project and practiced some of manipulating variables, methods, and arrays. Roadblocks: I was doing some research on UX/UI and linking certain things for better user interaction in the banking app


courtney: Yesterday, we made another practice DB, looked into the JDBC, and worked on our libraryapp some more. I kept getting lost because I would run into an error, but i would be too stubborn to ask for help. After work, i went through some videos to explain the libraryapp and worked on the project. I'm still not sure how the models package fits into the project, besides the constructors.

Chris- Worked on project. Finished the ConnectionFactory and the beginning of the driver. Trying to understand how they all connect with each other before writing all the code.

Dannieee- I worked on the project even more like setting up the SQL and reading more into some other packages that could help with the arithmetic portion of my project. Roadblocks - I had a problem with running a portion of my table.

Leonardo Molina - Yesterday I was working on the project trying to successfully connect it to my database. I also started the driver and some code to retrieve information in the userDAO. I also started editing the tables on my database

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After lessons I made sure my work was in sync with what was done in class. I did not stop until I was able to successfully connect my java project to DBeaver.

Troy - Yesterday I did more lab assignment-hashset, map, keyset, for and do-while. I did hack exercise on a site. I went over my SQL db. study some SQL terms.