Week 5 - 220103-java-etl/Vanquish-RepoSlayers GitHub Wiki


Courtney - i spent the entire weekend trying to resolve one issue with my user doa. i didn't get to study much, and i barely started on my servlets and front end.

Daniel - Yesterday I studied a lot of the qc questions and got some progress done on my servlets. I rewatched all of the servlet recordings. I had a roadblock but I reached out to see what I could do to make some progress on those as well.

Erik - Yesterday: I gained progress in my project. Now I am able to connect to my server to login and register a user. My next steps would revolve around forming the html and forms.

Chris - Worked on project over the weekend.

Leonardo - During the weekend I mainly worked on the project; I didn't do much else but work on the project

Troy - Yesterday I went over study sheet and I worked on the project.


Courtney - yesterday I worked on my reimbursements stuff, the servlets, and the reimbursements dao

Daniel - Yesterday I worked on reintroduce vanilla JavaScript to implement into my project and looked at the reimbursements servlet for my project and the reimbursement form

Erik - Yesterday: I worked on servlets and my html in prep for adding javascript.

Chris - Worked on project.

Leonardo - Yesterday I was working on the project, I was working on the servlets and the HTML pages

Troy - Yesterday work on the project and went over the quizzes.


Courtney - yesterday I tried to get stared on my js but then I realized my add reimbursement method didn't work so I had to scrap the whole method and adjust my database

Daniel - Yesterday I went over the servlet video again because it's just not solidifying but I had a lot of help from some batchmates and I did change my css around and imported a new logo. I need to work on the math portion of my program today and then I need to finish my reimbursement servlet and make sure everything can run smoothly

Erik - Yesterday: I worked on my project. Now It redirects to the next page but doesn't correctly read it's form.

Chris - Worked on project.

Leonardo - Yesterday I mainly worked on the project, I got the reimbursement servlet done

Troy - yesterday I worked on my project getting my servlets and webxml right. I debug my models and service classes.


Courtney - worked on my project

Daniel - yesterday I looked more into js fetch, promises, and reworked my project a bit more. I did have a few road blocks so I will be spending most of the afternoon on reworking my db and reimbursement servlet.

Erik - Yesterday: I worked om my project and now I can smoothly move between web pages.

Chris - Worked on project.

Leonardo - Yesterday I kept working on my project, I was trying to implement the JavaScript into the project

Troy - yesterday I went over video, personal notes, and articles over java, sql, and html syntax and concepts, and trying to debug my uncheck exemption in my project.


Courtney -

Daniel - Thursday I spent most of my day studying for QC. BUT I practiced my presentation a couple times and reached out for help with my project. Now I must say... I dont have a lot of it finished but realizing I have learned so much in such a short time is really cool to see. I have a lot to learn and a lot to implement but I did write a lot of pseudocode to show my thought process. I did also finish a presentation slideshow. I had a lot of pain points when working the project, but it means I'm learning.

Erik -

Chris -

Leonardo -

Troy -