Week 4 - 220103-java-etl/Vanquish-RepoSlayers GitHub Wiki


Troy - yesterday I worked on my project debugging my connectionUtil, completing my DAOs, making my test classes, as well worked on database in SQL creating tables.

Dannieee- yesterday I worked on the database and tried to work on really learning the sql syntax for updating and altering the scrips that I have already written. I have a problem with seeing a script that I have written for project one so I had to make another but I would like to see if theres a way to fix that because I know it could happen in the future.

Courtney - yesterday, I practiced some basic HTML. For the rest of the day, I tried to figure out a problem with my project1. All data from my DB is returning null in my authservice and userservice. I have no idea how to fix it. I implemented the optional interface in a few places. I can't figure it out.

Leonardo Molina - Yesterday I worked on the project, I was trying to fix some Issued I'm having with my Data Access Objects. I'm still having the same issue so that's all I've been working on

Chris - Studied week 3 topics before and after QC, looked through html tags and their usages, and worked on project.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: I worked on my project and studied for QC's. Afterwards I continued the project trying to find the reason in my error in my Authorization service.java.


Troy - Yesterday I worked on my project more going over my DAOs, my test classes, Users classes and finishing building the skeleton for my own. I also start my about page for HTML as well watched video on the HTML. Went over my quizzes and review the answers.

dannieee- yesterday I went over the html concepts and build a lot of the front end for the project. I built a lot of the css that I needed as well. I'm not sure that I used the right amount of html pages but I'll go over that in one on ones.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: I hit a snag in my progress on the solo project however, with the help of the trainer I was able to use java to confirm the status of my "users" table in dbeaver. I also practiced how to fill out and create forms with an html file.

Chris- Went over web servers and ensured project could login and register a new user on the database. Need to finish the update and delete methods.

Courtney - yesterday I practiced more html, learned about servlets and figured out 2 issues I was stuck on. Then, I implemented my reimbursements class. now, I need to throw errors where they need to be thrown, and figure out some math for the reimbursements. I also need to figure out why my tests won't run

Leo - Yesterday I was working on the project. I also went over some notes for html. I was working on my pc and it ended up not turning on and so I started the project again from the start because I didn't push it to GitHub(I started over in my laptop


Troy - Yesterday I finish my tables in SQL, connecting my DAO's to my database, and went over notes again. I also did some reviewing over html and java with videos.

Chris- Studied more about Servlets and how to implement them in my own project.

Courtney: after work, i spent most the day studying instead of the project so that i can get around to implementing the servlet stuff.

dannieee- Yesterday I went over the servlet theory, hierarchy, lifecycle, and html theory. I took a break from the project to study but today I plan on finishing the rest of my db and looking over the reimbursement dao

Leonardo: Yesterday I mostly spent the entire afternoon working on my project trying to figure things out and trying to implement the business logic

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After the lesson on submitting forms and servlets, I spent time on my project learning how to add data to a database table using Java.


Troy Yesterday worked on my project writing code and debugging it, and review more on Java and some SQL watching YouTube videos.

Dannieee-yesterday, I went over some of the recordings for Enum classes and worked on my project a bit. I did read someone's pdf file on servlets which I sent to the discord for everyone to refer too. Roadblocks-I finally made a break through with understanding some concepts so I'll approach the rest of the project the same way

Leo -Yesterday I mainly worked on the project trying to finish the business logic and the connectivity from Java to database

Courtney: yesterday I studied a little and worked on my project. none of my tests run even though my method's seem to work right. made some minor adjustments. this servlet stuff is completely going over my head.

Chris- Looked into Http regarding codes, requests, and responses. Also looked at JSON files and how to implement them into project. And more info on NullPointerException.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: I worked on writing values to the database. Otherwise, I began designing the login page for the project using servlets.