Week 1 - 220103-java-etl/Vanquish-RepoSlayers GitHub Wiki

RepoSlayers Week 1:


Daniel Gutierrez: Yesterday - I finished the onboarding paperwork and reviewed AWS cloud practitioner information, Today I plan to go over the weeks curriculum and roadblocks - not having access to the connect application just yet.

LeoMol98 – Yesterday after the training session I just went over my log-in criteria to make sure everything cleared out. I also briefly went over the curriculum and over some commands

Troy Cogdell-Yesterday I browse the curriculum and went over the common commands.

Chris - Browsed MDN & W3 regarding Java and JavaScript as well as researched computer fundamentals and components. Also looked up and tested a few commands through command prompt, PowerShell, and bash terminals.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After Browsing the curriculum, and Reading the policies on ADP, I confirmed the change to my RevaturePro login and familiarized myself with my new Revature email.

Courtney Hart: Yesterday, I spent most of the day trying to set up the many different accounts required for this job. Between the portal, connect, Revature Pro, and ADP, I’m still learning what each different site is for. Also, we went over basic computer organization and the command line. I bought a new laptop, so I’m still trying to figure out how to use it. As a former Macbook girl, I’m more used to the terminal.


Daniel Gutierrez: Yesterday - I worked with getting everything together for my Java IDE and went over the CLI commands. I didn't really have some roadblocks, just more so trying to get in the flow of Revature.

Chris - Researched info on Generics in Java and the comparison between them and method overloading.

Troy - yesterday went over my notes and command words. This morning watch lecture videos on terminal on command line editor, hello world, and match my notes. Tried out few thing on Intelli especially the hello world.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday-Today: Practiced publishing local files to Github and debugging the configuration files for InteliJ

Courtney Hart: Yesterday, we learned about Git and Github, environment variables, and file permissions. Learning about Git and Github was stressful as I had never used Github before, but I think I got the basics down. I am going to work on memorizing some of the Git commands.

Leonardo Molina – Yesterday I created a remote repository and I cloned it to my local machine, then I created a file from the command line and edited it with nano (added notes from what we did Tuesday on it) to get some practice. I added, committed, and pushed the file to the remote repository. I did several trials and error where I change the remote repository so I could pull it to my machine, after that I went over the definitions of package managers, Unix, and environmental variables.


Daniel: Yesterday I went over the Java IS-A relationship syntax and continued to look up polymorphism and common examples. I didn't have too many issues, I just want to get more comfortable on the IDE.

Leonardo Molina- Yesterday I finished the challenges of HackerRank and I re=created the java example we did in class about inheritance and polymorphism, I had some trouble with the package management, for some reason IntelliJ wasn’t letting me compile my code, eventually it did; I believe it wasn’t letting me because I didn’t have the main method in the correct place. After that I pulled the .java notes files that Dan did in class, but I couldn’t execute them, I still haven’t figured out why.

Chris - Researched Upcasting and Downcasting in Java, abstract/interface classes and methods, and came up with a personal definition for Polymorphism.

Troy - Create a new project in Intellij to practice class and objects with characters from my original story. Solved some problems with Maven. This morning took a deep dive in my personal notes and match it with GitHub notes. researched polymorphism on google.

Courtney Hart: Yesterday, I researched OOP pillars, the JDK, and Java basics. I had a hard time setting up Intellij, but I eventually figured it out. We also did some Hackerrank challenges, but my Java is a little rusty and had to look up some syntax things.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After pondering the definition of polymorphism I came up with, "The feature of Object Oriented programming that interprets objects based on their class or type that can be applied to achieve the desired output."


Daniel - Yesterday, I continued to look at constructors and casting a bit, I've been watching some other videos just on abstraction and the OOP concepts. I had a few roadblocks but it doesnt feel as problematic today.

Leonardo Molina – Yesterday I practiced a bit with constructors and with overriding methods within classes. I also went over the notes and the study files on RevaturePro. I practice in git bash to run and compile my code withing the terminal.

Courtney Hart: Yesterday I studied constructors, abstraction, and encapsulation. I thought I understood these concepts before, but I came out of yesterday's session confused. I spent the rest of my day studying, so I think I got it figured out now.

Troy - Yesterday I was focusing more inheritance programing. Matching my notes and looking up videos. I felt like actually understand superclass. This morning fix some of my mistakes on my program.

Erik Thomas: Yesterday: After Browsing the curriculum, I reviewed personal java projects and learned how to pull and push java projects using the terminal.(and learning never post to the main folder without a push request)

Chris - Looked into Map/HashMap in Java, Abstract Methods and Classes, git pull requests, and the difference in Final and Abstract.