Week 6 - 220103-java-etl/Amplifire-404-Braincells GitHub Wiki


Jacob Ramsey-Today, Learn some advanced topics on Java, create and study flash cards, start portfolio on Rev pro, do some independent J.S learning. Roadblocks none

Joshua Cho - Today will learn advanced Java topics and will work on practicing code and learning to integrate the information previously learned. No roadblocks at the moment.

Colleen Lynch- Friday we presented project one, and completed a comprehensive quiz. Today we will start to learn advanced Java concepts.

Twain Toussaint- Today would be learning advanced Java. Did minor studying over the weekend. No roadblocks.

Michael Lee - Over the weekend I recharged batteries so that this week I can focus on learning new java concepts and also solidify old ones. Will keep practicing some code and exploring some JavaScript. No roadblocks.


Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about Threads, and I continued work on my project. Today we are going to review selenium and meet with AFS.

Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday worked on portfolio some, learned about Java threads, studied some of the concepts from yesterday, worked on codechademy during free time to become better at J.S. Today- meet with potential client, learn more about Selenium and Web Drivers. Roadblocks-none so far

Joshua Cho- Learned about Threads yesterday and did some review here and there. Today will learn about Selenium and meet with Accenture staff. No roadblocks at the moment but should make sure to keep up with studies.

Twain Toussaint- Yesterday we learned threads. OI also added some html to my project. Today will be about web drivers. No roadblocks.

Michael Lee - Yesterday we went over threads and I had a very productive one on one with Dan to point me in the right direction in terms of finishing project 1. I worked on a lot of debugging on the back end for the rest of the day. Today we will be learning about cucumber and how it is incorporated to automate websites. Roadblocks - nothing I can't find the answer to so far.


Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about Selenium, Cucumber and Gherkin. Today we are going to learn about project 2, key strokes and key characters. I continued work on my project 1.

Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday-worked with cucumber, Web Driver(Selenium), learned core concepts to behavior driven development. Today- Learn about project 2 and get a deeper understanding of behavior driven development. Roadblocks-none so far

Joshua Cho - Yesterday we learned about Selenium and met with Accenture staff and received briefing about their company. Today will start by being introduced to project 2 and will learn more about Gherkin and cucumber. No roadblocks at the moment.

Michael Lee - Yesterday, we went over cucumber and conducted an example project. Today we will be building on that example and introducing project 2. Look to finish the rest of the things left for project 1 today as so to not worry about it for the rest of the week. Roadblocks - Maintaining motivation.

Twain Toussaint- Did Some code practicing and more html for project 1. Today would go over project two. No roadblocks.


Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about project 2, key strokes and key characters. I continued work on my project 1. Today we will learn about hibernate.

Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday- Learn about project 2 and get a deeper understanding of behavior driven development, learned better techniques on Selenium structures and waiting techniques. Today take a QC, learn about hibernate for JDBC. Roadblocks-none so far.

Twain Toussaint- Updated my project 1 database. Today will be learning selenium. No roadblocks.

Joshua Cho - Yesterday learned more about project 2 and about Selenium. Today will be learning about hibernate and do a QC to end the day. No roadblocks at the moment.

Michael Lee - Yesterday we learned more about Project 2 and what it entails. Put some more time into my project extension as now all major parts are working and the only thing left is generating tables in DOM. Looking forward to next week when we start implementing new concepts and begin working towards project 2.


Joshua Cho -Learned about Hibernate and went through QC yesterday. Today will learn a bit more about Hibernate and having a short day today. No roadblocks at the moment.

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about hibernate. I continued work on my project 1. Today we will learn more about hibernate.

Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday- Learned more Hibernate core concepts and performed a QC. Today learn more Hibernate concepts, create more flash cards if needed. Roadblocks-none

Twain Toussaint- Yesterday did some minor touch-ups on my HTML and java code. Today would be presenting p1. No roadblocks.

Michael Lee - Yesterday we began learning hibernate and how to implement it into our LibraryApp. Today we will be doing some implementation while also doing project 1 extension presentations. I finished all the requirements of my project yesterday and should be all good to go in that front. NO roadblocks after this week, finally all caught up and ready to start on project 2.