Week 5 - 220103-java-etl/Amplifire-404-Braincells GitHub Wiki


Jacob Ramsey- Today- Learn Java Script, study, work on project. Tommorow- Study, work on project, learn more Java Script. Roadblocks- some challenges with project but expecting them to be solved with Java Script

Joshua Cho - Worked on project over the weekend. Today will be doing group mock interviews and quizzes along with introduction to java script. Roadblock is getting more work for my project done to finish on time.

Colleen Lynch- This weekend I worked on my project and studied HTML and CSS. Today we will learn about JavaScript. Roadblocks: implementing portions of the program for the project.

Twain Toussaint- Did more work on project. Today starting JavaScript. No roadblocks.

Michael Lee - This weekend I worked a bunch on the project and got my login and initial redirects to work, now I just need to implement employee, managers, and reimbursements menus and the only thing left will be styling. Roadblocks - Not enough hours in the day, it feels like to add and de bug all things I want in the project.


Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday- Learn Java Script, study, work on project, did group mock interviews. Today- Study, work on project, learn more Java Script and how to implement it in our project. Roadblocks- some challenges with project but expecting them to be solved with Java Script

Twain Toussaint- Yesterday, started intro to JAvaScript. Today we're going more into detail with DOM. No roadblocks.

Joshua Cho - Yesterday we did Quizes and the mock inteview, then worked on introduction to Java Script. Today we will learn more about Java Script more topics on the subject. Roadblocks: integrating all the learned concepts into actual code in the context of project 1.

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we took quizzes, and started to learn about JavaScript. Today we will learn more JavaScript concepts.

Michael Lee - Yesterday we began learning JavaScript and today we will be adding on to the concepts so they can best be implemented into our project. Plan on working on project some more and start bringing it all together. Roadblocks - Fighting through the mental barriers.


Michael Lee - yesterday we covered JavaScript functions and sending and receiving servlet requests using JS. Today we continue building on them and implementing them into our projects. Today I will keep working on my project and hopefully being done with the majority of it, so I am able to present on Friday. Roadblocks, hopefully none as everybody continues working on their projects, sometimes I just need another set of eyes to help me edge out areas of my code that are slowing me down.

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about JS DOM, AJAX, and other JS concepts. I worked on my project, problem solving through issues. Today we are having a portfolio orientation, and working on projects.

Joshua Cho - Yesterday we learned more about JavaScript and using it in our projects. Today We will learn more about Javascript concepts and how to integrate them into our projects along with an orientation today. Roadblocks: Need to properly learn how interactions between front-end and back-end communication works in order to really be able to progress in my project.

Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday- Learn JavaScript XMLHTTPRequest, study, work on project. Today- Study, work on project, Get orientation on portfolio. Roadblocks- No huge challenges wrapping up project putting some last minute business logic.

TWain Toussaint- Yesterday learned more JavaScript. Today would be more project-oriented work. No roadblocks.


Michael Lee - Yesterday, kept working on project. Only thing left to incorporate is manager functions and searches. Should be able to deliver a functioning MVP with decent flow. Today will make sure that gets done. Hopefully with no roadblocks.

Joshua Cho - Yesterday worked on project and learned last bits of info for implementing JS to the project. Will be working more on the project today with some review for Cumulative QC today. Roadblocks- Finishing my project on time!

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about JS concepts, including promises. I worked on my project, working through issues that arose. Today we will work on our projects and prepare for comprehensive QC.

Twain Toussaint- Learned more about JavaScript yesterday and worked on the projet. Today will be having Cumulative QC. No roadblocks.

Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday learned more JavaScript and a different way to handle HTTPRequest, worked on project practically ready for deployement. Today-work on project more, perform cummulative QC.Roadblocks- none.
