Week 3 - 220103-java-etl/Amplifire-404-Braincells GitHub Wiki

Week 3


no QC


Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday- Learned more Java concepts, studied, worked on project. Today-Work on project, study, learn about SQL. Roadblock-Study syntax of methods for coding challenge since we are unable to use IDE.

Colleen Lynch- Over the weekend I took the practice coding challenge, and studied information covered through review and videos. Today we take our week two tests, and first QC coding challenge. No noted barriers, just need to continue review and practice to solidify understanding of concepts.

James Langan- yesterday- over the weekend I studied more and did some more coding practice, and watched some YouTube videos on the basics of Java. Attempted some work on the project. Today- Take the quizzes and coding challenge. Learn about SQL and watch some more videos about Java. Roadblock- Still having trouble with the actual code.

Twain Toussaint- Over the weekend I went over concepts. Today we are working on projects and learn about SQL. No roadblocks.

Joshua Cho- Reviewed for coding challenge over the long weekend. Will be working on the quiz and coding challenge. Roadblock for me is currently being able to concisely define coding concept definitions.

Michael Lee - Over the weekend I reviewed terms and studied in preparation for QC and coding challenge. I had a really hard time figuring out the test file for some of my practice questions so that was my true roadblock. I also worked a little on project one and getting everything set up and some class files.


Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we completed out week 2 quizzes, and QC. Today we are going to learn about cloud computing, was, and SQL. Roadblocks are just fully grasping concepts, I have been reviewing notes, watching videos, and prating on websites to increase skill set.

Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday-Took quizzes, reviewed for QC, went over quizzes, created AWS account. Today- Learn about Databases, do some project work, study concepts. Roadblock-working on project tests, tests are not passing even though it appears they should. Waiting to do more work on project to see how well it will integrate with Database and actual Front end.

Joshua Cho- Yesterday did QC, and quizes. Learned to create AWS account. Will learn about SQL and indexes today. Roadblock is just being able to give clear professional definitions of concepts we have learned about so far.

James Langan Yesterday- Did our quizzes and QC. Did more review on Java topics. Today- Learn about databases and AWS. Continue to review topics I don't understand. Roadblock- still have trouble putting anything into code.

Twain Toussaint- Yesterday did our QC and quiz. Learning more about databases and AWS today. No roadbloacks.

Michael Lee - yesterday got a head start on SQL terms and setting up an account. Today we will be focusing on databases and learning all of its components and syntax. Continue adding on to terms and staying ahead while continuing to add to the structure of the project is also a goal. Hopefully no roadblocks arise.


James Langan- yesterday- learned about SQL, AWS, and created our first database. Continued reviewing java. today- continue working with SQL and connect it to java. Continue with reviewing of Java and try to work on the project. Roadblock- still not fully understanding how to to put java into code.

Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday set up AWS Database, got started in Debeaver and relational data base concepts. Today-Learn more SQL concepts, work in Debeaver some more connect Debeaver to Java. Roadblocks non so far.

Joshua Cho - Learned about aws and some sql concepts yesterday. Will learn about more sql and join statements today. Roadblock is finding more time for my project.

Twain Toussaint- YEsterday I learned aws and SQL concepts. Today will be more SQL concepts. No roadblocks.

Colleen Lynch: Yesterday we learned about AWS and SQL. Today we will learn how to connect SQL into JAVA. Roadblocks are just building up skills and knowledge. I have been using flash cards and working through challenges on Sololearn to build skillset.

Michael Lee - Yesterday, learned about SQL and started manipulating our databases using PostgreSQL and DBeaver. Today we will be adding on to those skills and learning about Joins and database integration onto Java aim to fully work on catching up on terms and the project for the rest of the day. No roadblocks except there not being enough hours in the day. Nevermind, a new roadblock has been keeping up with the demos and moving back and forth between PosgreSQL and Java. I need the recordings to solidify my learning because right now I am very far behind.


Joshua Cho- Learned about integrating sql to java to be able to use data bases with Java. Today will be learning about statements and Mavel. Roadblock is simply making time to reinforce the learning done during work hours to ensure I maintain the information.

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned how to connect SQL database to JAVA with JDBC. Today we will learn about ACID and statements. Roadblock in utilizing content learned in project, but working through issues one at a time.

Jacob Ramsey- Yesterday - Worked more with Dbeaver, worked with JDBC, learned so SQL concepts, studied, worked on getting project persisted . Today-Learn more SQL concepts, work with PostSQL more., work on project some more,study. Roadblocks tests are working but doesn't appear to be working properly.

James Langan- Yesterday- learned how to connected my SQL database to my Java project and the sublanguages of the SQL. Continued reviewing java processes and tried some more practice coding. Today- Learn more about SQL and connecting to Java. Do some more java review and attempt some of the project. Roadblock- Still having some trouble with putting java to code.

Twain Toussaint- Learned how to connect SQL database to Java. Today will be about statements. No roadblocks.

Michael Lee - Yesterday, worked on DBeaver and began connecting the database to Java. Learned some more statements and dependencies that we can involve with our code. Today we will keep building upon it and learn about normalization and other database concepts. Going to be working on project a lot over the weekend since I feel like I have fallen behind with the roadblock I had yesterday, just need to actually find the hours in the day to do so. Roadblock - some, but one step a time will get me caught up and ready for next week.