Week 1 - 220103-java-etl/Amplifire-404-Braincells GitHub Wiki

Week 1

Monday Standup

No Standup

Tuesday Standup

James Langan- Tried to set up Revature email and learned about Github. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock- Didn't get email from ITsupport to start making my email.

Michael Lee- Set-Up email and finished environment variables Learning about Github. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock- Did not have access to Connect.

Jacob Ramsey- Tried to set up Revature email, no email sent for set-up. Learned about Github. Getting flash cards to go over some of the material already covered. Watch some videos on cmd prompt. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock, check email status to see if IT send email for Revature email.

Joshua Cho- Learned about Github. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock- Didn't get email from support to make Revature Connect account.

Colleen Lynch- Tried to set up Revature email and learned about Github. Today- Reviewed onboarding access. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock- None noted.

Twain Toussaint- Tried to set up Revature connect. Tomorrow- Intro to java Roadblock- Didn't get email for connect access.


James Langan-Today- Getting into the basics of Java. Tomorrow- learning more steps and commands of Java. Roadblock- still don't have access to Revature email.

Michael Lee- Fixed Environment Variables and configuration on IntelliJ. Set up repositories and played around with command git. Tomorrow - catch up on review on git terms and command functions. Roadblock - Currently in between moves so have not had time to set up permanent working environment.

Jacob Ramsey-Learn more Java commands and structure .Get more familiar with InelliJ IDE. Create more Flash cards and study after working hours. Roadblock- haven't created a Revature Connect. Tommorow- Will follow the agenda and study more.

Joshua Cho- Learn about java today. Tomorrow- Further study Java and some OOP concepts. Roadblock- None at the moment.

Colleen Lynch- Today we will learn more about JAVA, tomorrow we will learn more in depth JAVA. No noted barriers, jumping into studying information covered.

Twain Toussaint- Deeper dive into Java and explored IntelliJ more. No roadblocks


James Langan-Today- We will be learning about Java and Git. Tomorrow- continue expanding on our knowledge of Java. Roadblock- have a little trouble understanding git.

Michael Lee- Today we will continue adding to our Java understanding and basic concepts, created some flashcards and began typing bootcamp. Tomorrow we will learn the development life cycle for software. Roadblocks - new typing set up is very slow.

Jacob Ramsey- Today- Learn more about Java, will study flash cards more, try some examples in InelliJ. Roadblock- Still no Revature connect. Tommorow- learn more OOP/Java concepts.

Joshua Cho- Learn more java concepts today and more about Github. Tomorrow learn about control flow statements. No roadblocks at this time.

Colleen Lynch- Today we will learn more about Java and Git. Tomorrow we will learn about control flow statements, casting, and Agile vs. Waterfall. No noted barriers at this time.

Twain Toussaint- Learn more details for Java to help transition into tomorrows lesson where we will learn about control flow statements, and casting. No roadblocks.


James Langan-Yesterday- learned about branching, wrapping, and constructors. Today- expand knowledge on Java. Roadblock- Feeling confident about content, but a little worried about putting it into actual code.

Michael Lee- Yesterday we learned about branching, added to our understanding of constructors, and got introduced to wrapper classes. Did not manage to study any material but will catch up over the weekend. Tomorrow plan to go over week terms and concepts in detail. Finally have wifi at my new place so no more roadblocks.

Jacob Ramsey-Yesterday- learned more OOP/Java concepts, branching, constructors, wrappers, pull request. Studied flash cards that were developed for that day. Today-(Morning) Worked on flash cards in the morning, consolidated weekly flash cards to a packet were I stored concepts I need more work on. Today learn more Java concepts and study flash cards.

Joshua Cho- Learned about constructors and other java topics yesterday. Will learn about packages and imports today. No roadblocks to note at the moment.

Colleen Lynch- Yesterday we learned about JAVA constructors, wrapper classes, branches and pull requests on GIT. Today we will learn about packet, imports in GIT, control flow, casting, agile vs waterfall, and SDLC. I plan to study over the weekend to help solidify understanding of concepts thus far. No known barriers noted.

Twain Toussaint- Learned constructors and branches. Today's agenda's is packet import. No roadblocks.