Week 5 - 220103-java-etl/Alchemy-Wolfpack GitHub Wiki


Zahtae - Yesterday I worked on the servlet for project 1. Today I will continue to work on project 1. Roadblocks are dealing with status codes.

James - Yesterday I work on styling project 1. Today I will add javascript to front end. No roadblocks.

Jacob - Yesterday I studied for quizzes and worked on the project. Today I will take notes and continue to work on the project. My roadblock is getting my tomcat/servlet working AGAIN.

Nathan - Yesterday I worked on project, refactor to pass test. Today I will continue to work on the project and focus on front end. No roadblocks.

Abdul - Yesterday I finished the front end of my project. Today I will begin to work on the back end of the project. I am completing my project in a backwards way because Java is my roadblock.

Yasin - Yesterday I worked on the frontend of my project and studied for the quiz. Today I will work on the project and study for the QC. Roadblock would be to finish project 1 on time.


Zahtae - Yesterday I worked on the project. Today I will continue to work on the project and hopefully finished it on time. Roadblocks are fixing error within java servlet.

Nathan - Yesterday I worked on the frontend and servlets of my project. Today I will continue to work on my project. My roadblock is understanding DOM Manipulation.

Yasin - Yesterday I worked on my project and reviewed flash cards. Today I will continue working on the project and try to answer from the question bank. My roadblock is successfully connecting the front end of my project to the back end

Jacob - Yesterday I took notes and worked on my project. Today I will do the same thing. Roadblock would be learning javascript last minute & making sure to get project done ON TIME THANKS A LOT DAN!

James - Yesterday I worked on building manager dashboard & added the ability to add attachment to request. Today I will finish building the management dashboard and create servlet for processing request. JavaScript will be my roadblock.

Abdul - Yesterday I studied for the quiz and took the quiz, I worked on the back end on the project. Today I will continue working on the project and study for upcoming QC.Road blocks for the back end on my project because of my knowledge on Java.


Zahtae - Yesterday I worked on project one completing html and some servlets. Today I will hope to to finish 80% of project 1. My roadblocks would be REVATURE.

Nathan - Yesterday I worked on servlets on project 1. Today I will continue to work on the project. My roadblock would be AJAX!!!!

Jacob - Yesterday I followed along and took notes. I tried to implement JavaScript in my project. Today I hope to learn everything to FINISH THE PROJECT & to get most of it done! My roadblock would be AJAX.

Yasin - Yesterday I worked on the project. Today I will continue to work on the project & study for QC. My roadblock would be trying to understand call-back functions.

Abdul - Yesterday I worked on the project & studied for QC, I worked on the back end on the project. Today I will continue working on the project and study for upcoming QC. Road blocks for the back end on my project because of my knowledge on Java.

James - Yesterday I refactored request form to use AJAX. Today I will continue to work on my project. My roadblock would be getting session data into my application.


James - Yesterday I worked on my project and studied for QC. Today I will hopefully finish my project and practice presenting. My roadblock is TIME.

Jacob - Yesterday I worked on my project and studied for QC. Today I will get app driver running and continue studying. My roadblock is getting IntelliJ and Tomcat to access a port that is not in use.

Abdul - Yesterday I worked on the project and study for the QC. Today I will continue working on the project. Roadblocks using Java build in classes and it’s methods on my project.

Yasin - Yesterday I worked on my project and studied for QC. Today I will continue both tasks and finish my project. My roadblock was getting Tomcat to work properly yesterday.

Zahtae - Yesterday - will be continued. Today, will be continued. Roadblock is Apple MacBook.

Nathan - Yesterday I worked on my project's frontend and servlets encountering an error. Today I try to fix my project's problem and continue working on it. My roadblock is the error.