Week 3 - 220103-java-etl/Alchemy-Wolfpack GitHub Wiki


  • Holiday


  • James - Yesterday I studied week 2 material. Got started building out classes for P1. Today I will study new material. No Roadblocks.

  • Yasin - Yesterday I made flashcards and studied last week's material. Finished practice code challenge. Today I will look over new material. My roadblock is solving multistep coding challenges.

  • Zahtae - Yesterday I week over all lectures from week 1 & week 2. I also attempted the coding challenge. Today I will go over hashes, treeset, linked set & course material. Roadblocks are keys, algorithm & implementing code.

  • Jacob - Yesterday I took the practice coding quiz, and studied last week's material. Today I will continue taking notes and get started on Project 1. No roadblocks.

  • Nathan - Yesterday I studied last week's material. Today I will take notes and get started on Project 1. No roadblocks.

  • Abdul - Yesterday I studied week 2 material and studied from a book on Java Basics. Today I will continue studying Java. My roadblock is the Java coding challenge.


  • James - Yesterday I worked on building out login flow for my project. Today I will study new material and continue working on my project. No roadblocks.

  • Yasin - Yesterday I begin the design phase of my project. Also I went over concepts I missed from the quiz. Today I will continue working on my project and look over today's notes. No roadblocks.

  • Abdul - Yesterday I reviewed concepts from the quiz. I also continued to study Java (control flow and others), and created my AWS account. Today I will continue to study Java. My roadblock is fully understanding some Java concepts.

  • Zahtae - Yesterday I reviewed Set’s, Queue’s & Map Key’s. Today I will start Project 1. Roadblocks are JUNIT & Generics.

  • Jacob - Yesterday I studied for QC, created an AWS account, and reviewed some concepts I had trouble with from the quiz. Today, I will take notes on SQL and PostgreSQL, and begin planning my project. No roadblocks.

  • Nathan - Yesterday I corrected areas in my notes that had errors, and reviewed quiz questions. Today, I will review notes from today's material. No roadblocks.


  • James - Yesterday I worked more on project 1, building out the CLI flow. Today I will study SQL and work more on the project. My roadblock is understanding how my java code will connect to the DB (which will hopefully be cleared up today).

  • Yasin - Yesterday I did the SQL assignment. Today I will work on project 1 and review todays notes. No roadblocks.

  • Jacob - Yesterday I took notes on SQL and got set up in Dbeaver. Today I will get started on project 1. No roadblocks.

  • Zahtae - Yesterday I worked on project 1. Today I will continue on the project and review Key, HashSet, & SQL material. Roadblocks are Keys, JUNIT

  • Nathan - Yesterday I worked a bit on project 1, and took notes. Today I will work more on my project. No roadblocks.

  • Abdul - Yesterday I started working on PostgreSQL, practicing statements. Today I will study Java. Roadblock is creating objects in Java.


  • James - Yesterday I built out models for User and Request in my project. Today I will study DBMS and start setting up the database connection in my project. My roadblock now is knowing how to connect my java back end to a front end.

  • Yasin - Yesterday I looked over notes, and watched videos on joins. Today I will work on my project. My roadblock is understanding how to connect a database to a project.

  • Jacob - Yesterday I took notes and practiced SQL and Java. I also prepared for my project. Today/this weekend I will work on the project and do the retake challenge and study for QC/quizzes. No roadblocks.

  • Nathan - Yesterday I worked on project 1 and reviewed notes. Today I'll continue working on project 1. No roadblocks.

  • Zahtae - Yesterday I worked on project 1. Today I will do some coding challenges. Roadblocks are Map keys.

  • Abdul - Yesterday I studied Java topics. Today I will continue studying Java and work on the project. My roadblock is understanding certain Java topics.