Week 1 - 220103-java-etl/Alchemy-Wolfpack GitHub Wiki


  • No standup.


  • Jacob: Yesterday I installed the required programs, uploaded documents, set up my Revature email account and timesheet. Today I will attend all classes and learn git, take written notes when necessary, and study if necessary. There are no roadblocks.
  • Yasin: Yesterday I reviewed the notes, I read about command-line prompts and computer fundamentals, and OS fundamentals. Today I will review from yesterday, particularly about command-line stuff and today's notes. Roadblocks are terminology.
  • James: Yesterday I got set up with the work environment and I digested the orientation information. Today I will review command-line prompts. There are no roadblocks.
  • Nathan: Yesterday I made sure I had all of the required programs set up and reviewed the orientation info. Today I will be studying the git commands. There are no roadblocks.
  • Zahtae: Yesterday I downloaded Git, added accounts on GitHub. I also finished the ADP paperwork. Today I will learn the interface of GitHub. My roadblock would be not having access to Revature email.
  • Abdul: Yesterday I mostly focused on the orientation information, set up my Revature email, and reviewed most of the orientation information. Today I'm going to learn the git commands and figure out how to connect to Revature Connect. My roadblock is connecting to Revature Connect.


  • Jacob: Yesterday I attended class but didn't take notes, re-learned more about git commands, practiced git commands, and everything presented about Java I already knew. Today I have a notebook ready to take notes and will attempt to get IntelliJ working on my computer. My roadblock is getting IntelliJ working.
  • James: Yesterday I practiced command-line prompts for navigating directories. Today I will study all of the new Java material. No roadblocks today.
  • Abdul: Yesterday I practiced the git commands, learned how to clone a repository, reviewed the IntelliJ tabs, and how to create the folder in the IntelliJ IDE with the help of Nathan. Today I'm going to take notes because I'm learning Java for the first time. My roadblock will be learning Java for the first time.
  • Nathan: Yesterday after attending classes I reviewed my notes, wrote the Hello World program, and practiced some commands in Git Bash. Today I will study and practice the Java material in class. No roadblocks today.
  • Zahtae: Yesterday learned how to push, create and pull repositories (Github) from the terminal. Today I will learn how to make code & use a terminal with an IDE (IntelliJ). My roadblock will be installing JDK on MacOS.
  • Yasin: Yesterday I also practiced Git commands, environment variables, and file permissions. Today I will learn more about Git commands because I'm more familiar with Java. My roadblock is package managers.


  • Jacob: Yesterday I got IntelliJ working, took notes during class, and practiced my Java skills. Today I plan to review notes, practice more Java and my understanding of Git. There are no roadblocks.
  • James: Yesterday I practiced making classes and objects in Java and running simple programs in IntelliJ. Today I will study new Java material. There are no roadblocks.
  • Yasin: Yesterday I familiarized myself with IntelliJ and VSCode. Today I'm going to review more of Java and Git commands. There are no roadblocks.
  • Abdul: Yesterday I took notes during class, I used Git commands to pull class notes from the Git repository. Today I will focus on learning Java. My roadblock is learning Java for the first time. My roadblock yesterday was the hacker rank challenges.
  • Zahtae: Yesterday I learned how to create objects, overloading and overriding. Today we will learn about constructors. I had no roadblocks.
  • Nathan: Yesterday I hand-copied notes from the Git repository. Today I will study notes and transpose more from the repository. There are no roadblocks.


  • Jacob: Yesterday I reviewed a bit of the material from earlier in the week about Git commands and learned more about Java. Today I plan to do more of the same and on Sunday I plan on practicing and preparing for QC next week. There are no roadblocks.
  • Yasin: Yesterday I made flashcards for Java terms. Today I will go over Git commands. There are no roadblocks yet.
  • James: Yesterday I studied constructors and abstract classes. Today I will study new material. There are no roadblocks.
  • Nathan: Yesterday I studied notes and wrote a small program for practice. Today I will review notes for the material. There are no roadblocks.
  • Zahtae: Yesterday I learned about Wrapper classes. Today I will make code using the four pillars. There are no roadblocks.
  • Abdul: Yesterday I studied Linux commands, OOP pillars, and Git commands. Today I will study Java. The roadblock is learning new material.