Notes on ML - 2024-CMPU9010-GROUP-3/PROJECT GitHub Wiki

Projected timeline

Week 1 & 2

  • Admin tasks
  • Research datasets
  • Research pre-trained models

Week 3

  • Set area of research
  • Acquire images
  • start labelling

Week 4 & 5

  • Finish labeling
  • Begin model training

Week 6

  • integrate to the rest of the system for INTERIM REPORT presentation deadline
  • continue model training & fine tuning

Week 7, 8 & 9

  • continue model implementation
  • continue model fine tuning
  • USER/SYSTEM EVALUATION presentation deadline

Week 10, 11 & 12

  • refine model
  • finish implementation

Week 13 & 14

  • FINAL DEMONSTRATION presentation deadline
  • FINAL REPORT deadline


Computer vision is a field in artificial intelligence that uses machine learning and neural networks to allow computer systems to derive meaningful information from visual inputs.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses deep neural networks to simulate complex decision-making. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) break images down into pixels, assigns labels and performs convolutions to make predictions about what "it" is seeing.


Useful links

Research Articles

Github for similar projects

Similar website:

Other data sources

Datasets with locations (longitude/latitude)

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