Setup:Octave Windows - 2020-UQ-Communication-Systems/public GitHub Wiki

Download the latest version of Octave (In 2015 this is version 4.0). The Octave website has a wiki entry listed here:

Download the official build from:

After installation, run Octave and test if you can run the following code:

x = randn(1, 101);

(A plot should come up, which looks random). Now to test if the signal processing toolbox is installed

x = randn(1, 101);
[y, shifts] = xcorr(x);
plot(shifts, y, 'r.:');

If there is an error in the line with xcorr in it - it means that the "signal" package/toolbox is not installed. In this case you can try installing it with the following command:

Untested: Try installing with pkg install -auto -forge signal

If you would like to export images from Octave, you can use the guide: Exporting Figures in Octave


  • Problems with plotting? Seems that it was caused by using the VS release instead of MingW release.

  • Seems that the 'print' command has problems if there are spaces in the directory where Octave is installed. Try to avoid this where possible.

Please report your success/findings by editing this page.

Version 3.6 installer

If you want to get the previous release (3.6), then be sure to get the MingW release - as it seems to have better plotting functionality.

  • Octave MingW. (51 Mb) - Might need to install two files, one for the binary, the other for the extensions.
  • Previously I linked to the Octave Visual Studio (76 Mb) release, however it seems it has problems with plotting.
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