Setup:Octave Windows - 2020-UQ-Communication-Systems/public GitHub Wiki
Download the latest version of Octave (In 2015 this is version 4.0). The Octave website has a wiki entry listed here:
Download the official build from:
After installation, run Octave and test if you can run the following code:
x = randn(1, 101);
(A plot should come up, which looks random). Now to test if the signal processing toolbox is installed
x = randn(1, 101);
[y, shifts] = xcorr(x);
plot(shifts, y, 'r.:');
If there is an error in the line with xcorr
in it - it means that the "signal" package/toolbox is not installed. In this case you can try installing it with the following command:
Untested: Try installing with pkg install -auto -forge signal
If you would like to export images from Octave, you can use the guide: Exporting Figures in Octave
Problems with plotting? Seems that it was caused by using the VS release instead of MingW release.
Seems that the 'print' command has problems if there are spaces in the directory where Octave is installed. Try to avoid this where possible.
Please report your success/findings by editing this page.
If you want to get the previous release (3.6), then be sure to get the MingW release - as it seems to have better plotting functionality.
- Octave MingW. (51 Mb) - Might need to install two files, one for the binary, the other for the extensions.
- Previously I linked to the Octave Visual Studio (76 Mb) release, however it seems it has problems with plotting.