Statement of Work - 20-S1-2-C-Professional-Services/Professional-Services-Artsource GitHub Wiki

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Statement of Work

Background and Introduction

The Artsource Global enable people to rent art directly from local artists. Most art rental companies buy artwork, rent it out and keep all the money. A website has been built by a previous team. The layout, interaction logic, and related functions, interfaces of the page are still very crude.


The purpose of this team is to build a direct platform between artists and customers, who are eager to rent or buy artworks, thereby revolutionizing artists' existing channel of income stream and the market general rule. To be more precise, Our task is to improve it, find and correct potential bugs, and enrich the usability to promote the user experience that make it professional.


  1. Redesign the website that make it more elegant.
  2. Design and develop tag and search system
  3. Develop the auto-verification system for artists/new users' email.


  1. Stakeholder: Jill Bruce [email protected]
  2. Team members: Joshua Trevor, Rui Zhang, Xiaoxiang Kong, Yu Qiao, Zongyuan Sui
  3. Customers: artists and people who want to rent artworks
  4. Evaluation team: tutor Gregory Jolley, shadow team (if we have)


Everyone’s roles:

  • Joshua Trevor: Spokesperson, Web Designer, Project Manager, Developer
  • Rui Zhang: Spokesperson, Risk Manager, Developer
  • Xiaoxiang Kong: Web Designer, UX analyst & designer
  • Yu Qiao: Tag&Search system Developer
  • Zongyuan Sui: Verification function developer, repository maintainer


  • All members familiar with the project and finish the statement of work
  • Finish design blueprint of new website layout.
  • Finish the design of functionalities of tag and search system and the auto-verification system.
  • Design blueprint of new website layout verified by client Jill.
  • Design of functionalitiesof tag and search system and the auto-verification system verified by client Jill
  • Implementation of the design of new websit layout
  • Implementation of the design of tag and search system
  • Implementation of the design of auto-verification system


Design (Reference: Google Arts and Culture)

  • Gallery page
  • Works with a finite number of predetermined artworks
  • Works adaptively with any number of predetermined artworks
  • Works adaptively with a any number of random artworks
  • Allows custom categories and configurations
  • Artwork/author page
  • Display a selection of their other artwork
  • Display all relevant author information after reading it from database/file
  • Is not filled with excessive whitespace when viewing wide/tall images (Adaptively place text above/beside image or resize/crop image)
  • Interact with the google map.
  • “About us/introduction” page (current homepage)
  • Repaired/completed (currently there are many broken/empty parts, but otherwise well designed)

Technical (Get up and running for five)

  • sign-in/sign-up problems Register artists
  • Relevant and easy sign up experience for artists. Make it easy and fun.
  • For example, how fun Typeform makes surveys - its easy and fun. How can we make classification of their art fun and easy?
  • Allow artists to self classify and tag their artworks. (We will learn from the patterns that artists create)
  • Set up some parameters - preset the classification categories to begin with (I have thought deeply about this and have some notes and ideas on how best to think about this. may provide some good ideas around classification
  • Within that, provide artists some freedom for how they may want to classify
  • The classification should be a Customer centric category list.
  • In the sign up process you may wish to ask artists to Provide referees - nominated by other artists. Maybe we need a validation process that gets the referees to answer a set true/false questions.
  • (JILL) Put a disclaimer in the legal docs that artists may misrepresent themselves.
  • Auto-verification of emails
  • Allow administrator to approve/add artwork through website (interface)
  • Fix problems of profile: Allow users to change their details (bio, artwork details, favorite etc.) Currently once a listing is made it can’t be changed by the user
  • Create working booking system (without payment system)
  • Email subscription system/allow notifications through email
  • Classify artwork - Tagging of artwork/authors
  • Search feature


  • Technical plan
  • Risk assessment metrics/specifications
  • Decision/reflection logs, change management logs
  • Meeting minutes

Minimum viable product draft


  • Gallery page redesign which adaptively shows any number of artwork. (The Google Arts and Culture webpage is a great example of this)
  • Artwork/author page displays relevant author information, has minimal whitespace regardless of artwork dimensions and displays some of the artist’s other work.m (Google ares and culture website again)
  • About us/the introduction page is similar, but with no broken parts and briefly explains Remarkable Art (Great pick up on change of name!) and what it’s about (I can write the words for this if you want - or happy for you to do so and flick it to me for review).


  • Sign in/sign-up works correctly
  • Allow users to modify their profiles (bio, listings they’ve created)
  • Allow bookings to be made by users (without payment)
  • Tagging of artwork/authors implemented
  • Search* feature implemented


  • Technical plan (Specific details about how we plan to produce the above deliverables)
  • Risk assessment metrics/specifications

Priorities following discussion with Rajesh:

  • Artist sign up first
  • Second - look at the front end interface for selection.