安装phpRedisAdmin - 1990bingliu/redis GitHub Wiki


step.1 下载php原码

git clone https://github.com/ErikDubbelboer/phpRedisAdmin.git

step.2 安装依赖

1) 使用composer 进行依赖安装

cd phpRedisAdmin
composer install

2)使用git clone直接下载到vendor目录

git clone https://github.com/nrk/predis.git vendor

step.3 配置config.inc.php

  'servers' => array(
      'name'   => 'local server', // Optional name.
      'host'   => '',
      'port'   => 6379,
      'filter' => '*',
      'scheme' => 'tcp', // Optional. Connection scheme. 'tcp' - for TCP connection, 'unix' - for connection by unix domain socket
      'path'   => '', // Optional. Path to unix domain socket. Uses only if 'scheme' => 'unix'. Example: '/var/run/redis/redis.sock'

      // Optional Redis authentication.
      //'auth' => 'redispasswordhere' // Warning: The password is sent in plain-text to the Redis server.

step.4 部署到web站点