Week 1 curriculum - 1909-sep30-net/trainer-code GitHub Wiki
- Anatomy of Code
(Language, Compiler, Runtime, Platform)
- Environment Setup
(IDE, Code Editor, Version Control, Chat)
- Basic Topics
(Core C#, Program Structure, Testing, Logging)
- .NET Building Blocks
(Framework, Standard, Core, Project, Solution, Assembly, Library, Application)
- Common Language Runtime
- Runtime Environment
(Garbage Collection, Managed, Unmanaged)
- Datatypes
(Reference, Value)
- Access Modifiers
(Internal, Private, Protected, Public)
- Extended Modifiers
(Abstract, Const, New, Override, Partial, Readonly, Sealed, Static, Virtual)
- Class
(Constructor, Field, Method, Property, Reference Type)
- Struct
(Constructor, Field, Method, Property, Value Type)
- Interface
(Method, Property)
- Enum
- Semantic Code
(DRY, Comments-Inline, Comments-XML, KISS, Separation Of Concerns)
- Object Oriented Programming
(Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
- Variance
(As, Boxing, Casting, Is, Out, Ref, TypeOf)
- Collections
(Array, List, Data Structures, Dictionary, Generics)
- Serialization
(File I/O, Regular Expressions, Serializer-JSON, Serializer-Text, Serializer-XML)
- Exception Handling
(Catch, Custom Exceptions, Finally, Throw, Try)
- Test Driven Development
(Code-Coverage, Unit-Testing)
- Application Debugging
(Breakpoints, Debugger, Logging)
(Single-Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov-Substitution, Interface-Segregation, Dependency-Inversion)
- Design Patterns
(Creational-Singleton, Creational-Factory)
- Delegates
(Action, Event, Function, Lambda, LINQ, Predicate)
- Multithreading
(Async-Await, Task, Thread)
- Git
(Add, Commit, Log, Pull, Push, Status)