Our TeamMates & Roles - 19-2-SKKU-OSS/2019-2-OSS-L5 GitHub Wiki
L5 Teammates
About Teammates
μ΄λ¦: λ¬Έμμ€
νκ³Ό: μννΈμ¨μ΄νκ³Ό
νλ²: 2017315482
μ΄λ©μΌ: [email protected]
GitHub ID: wjun0830
μ΄λ¦: μ€μμ
νκ³Ό: μννΈμ¨μ΄νκ³Ό
νλ²: 2018313467
μ΄λ©μΌ: [email protected]
GitHub ID: mikeysw
μ΄λ¦: μ λ
νκ³Ό: μνκ³Ό
νλ²: 2018314667
μ΄λ©μΌ: [email protected]
GitHub ID: Rowon
μ΄λ¦: μ΄λ―Όμ±
νκ³Ό: μννΈμ¨μ΄νκ³Ό
νλ²: 2018311500
μ΄λ©μΌ: [email protected]
GitHub ID: dlalstjd
μ΄λ¦: λ₯μν
νκ³Ό: μννΈμ¨μ΄νκ³Ό
νλ²: 2018312336
μ΄λ©μΌ: [email protected]
GitHub ID: RSuhyeon
How to Contribute
- Optimize algorithms that are already implemented
- Use uncommon PL to implement algorithms
- Use familiar PL to implement challenging algorithms
λ¬Έμμ€ :
- Develop Algorithms Using Familiar Languages(C, C++, Java, Python)
EdmondsCarp etc...
- Develop Algorithms Using Unfamiliar Languages(Kotlin, JS)
Factorial etc...
- Set up Static_page
- Make Wiki
μ€μμ :
- Develop Algorithms Using Familiar Languages(C, C++, Java)
Counting Sort etc...
- Develop Algorithms Using Unfamiliar Languages(Kotlin, Ruby)
Counting Sort etc...
- Set up Static_page
μ λ Έμ :
- Develop Algorithms Using Familiar Languages(C, C++)
Shell sort
Union-Find etc...
- Develop Algorithms Using Unfamiliar Languages(Go)
Shell sort
Factorial etc...
- Set up Static_page
μ΄λ―Όμ± :
- Develop Algorithms Using Familiar Languages(C, C++, python)
Coin Change Algorithms using Greedy algorithm
Longest Increasing Subsequence
knapsack problem and fractional knapsack problem
Dynamic Programming for knapsack
Cycle Sort etc...
- Develop Algorithms Using Unfamiliar Languages(Kotlin, C#)
selection sort
depth first search
cycle sort etc...
- Set up Static_page
λ₯μν :
- Develop Algorithms Using Familiar Languages(C, Java)
Counting Sort - C & Java etc...
- Develop Algorithms Using Unfamiliar Languages(JavaScript, Python)
Factorial etc...
- Set up Static_page
- C++
- AlphaBetaPruning
- EdmondsKarp
- Factorial - optimize with tail recursion
- ErrorBackPropagation
- C
- BellmanFord
- Dijkstra
- DynamicProgramming
- Kotlin
- Factorial
- Bubble Sort
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- FloydWarshall
- BinaryGCD
- Python
- Kruskal
- Randomized_Qsort
- Java
- Prim
- JS
- Factorial
- C++
- Counting Sort
- Kotlin
- Counting Sort
- Merge Sort
- Bubble Sort
μ λ Έμ
- C
- Shell sort
- Union find
- GO
- shell sort
- factorial
- C
- Coin change
- Knapsack
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Dynamic Programming for several problem
- Kotlin
- swap
- selection sort
- C#
- swap
- depth first search
- cycle sort
- C
- count sort
- Javascript
- Fibonacci
- Python
- Fibonacci