ApprenticeCopy_all - 18F/pif3-oct-apprentice GitHub Wiki
content decisions
1. Apprentices, Information and Frequently Asked Questions
Delete this content. replace with...
2. Carousel
Highlight case stories, timely exciting news, callouts for Vets
3. Introduction
Replace with Value Proposition: Move from apprentice to journey worker to a master in your field. We help you advance your career through on the job training and classes while guaranteeing wage increases and a nationally recognized portable credential. If you’re over 18, you’re eligible to apply.
4. Benefits
Delete this content
5. Types of Apprenticeships
Delete this content
6. Eligibility and requirements
Delete this content
7. Apprentice case studies
Delete this content
8. Apprentice FAQs
Rename: FAQs List top 5 FAQs for Apprentice seekers & Employers Data display of FAQS: List question w. link> on click display the answer content below
content decisions
0. PDF
Delete this content
1. Carousel
Highlight case stories, timely exciting news, Vets partner callout
2. Introduction
Replace with Value Proposition: Find skilled workers. Reduce turnover. Improve productivity. Increase your bottom line. Interested? Work with our skilled staff to build a program that’s right for your organization.
(use icons! -- we like the ones in the PDF)
3. FAQs
Rename: FAQs List top 5 FAQs for Employers Data display of FAQS: List question w. link> on click display the answer content below
Who joins the program? What is the make-up of the apprentice pool? What is a standard employer program? Is there a fee/cost? What do I get out of it? What problems will you help me solve? What industries are allowed to participate? Can we represent a labor organization? What is the role of the government?
1. Carousel
Best of featured items and outreach tools. Plus picture/feature linking to employer landing page and apprentice landing page.
2. Value Proposition
Are you interested in becoming an apprentice? Earn while you learn!
Are you interested in employing apprentices? Train, retain, and make it rain!
Apprentice: Find opportunities (keep current language – maybe use icons instead of stock photos?)
Employers: Start a program (keep current language – maybe use icons instead of stock photos?)
Partners: drop button
4. Latest news
Need to keep. Do a look-and-feel pass to make it look prettier.
- Don’t bold headlines.
- Make headlines clickable, don’t include “Full story” link
5. Additional resources
Military and Vets – big button at the top
Apprenticeship Sponsors Database – going away – replaced by map
Employers tools (in its own box) College Consortium Success Stories Video Testimonials Outreach – rename to Community of Practice
About the program (in its own box) About us Data and Statistics Competency Model Clearinghouse Office Policy Contact us