January 2022: What’s going on? - 18F/Project-Leadership-Collective GitHub Wiki

Friday, January 28, 1:30pm ET, 2022

What’s going on?

📅 This Friday for project leadership collective we’re trying a new format where we split into smaller groups to support our peers with what’s going on in their projects right now. This requires no preparation, no slides – we just want you to show up and spend 10 minutes talking through something on your project. Your small group will spend the rest of the 20 minutes offering support and suggestions. You’ll have a designated notetaker to capture all the good ideas, but these sessions won’t be recorded, so you can speak candidly. Not sure what to talk about? A few examples could be

My project is winding down, and I’m struggling to balance getting the work done with handing off to the next team. The scope of my project is just way too big, and we have a few options for where to focus – has anyone navigated this before? Have you had experience helping a partner choose a vendor?

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