February 2021: Project Impact Initiative - 18F/Project-Leadership-Collective GitHub Wiki

Friday, February 26, 1:30pm ET, 2021

Project Impact initiative

18F is releasing a Project Impact Initiative to facilitate alignment, learning, and storytelling.

There are three primary purposes to the project impact initiative. They include:

  • Alignment: Having shared metrics allow us to align our projects towards common 18F goals. Additionally, sharing impact metrics with our partners affords an opportunity to align with them on a definition of success for our engagements.
  • Learning: As we build a data set over time, we can draw insights regarding what characteristics of partners and projects lead to the greatest impact. These learnings can inform our business decisions and our project approaches.
  • Storytelling: These key metrics will be used to tell the story of 18F’s impact to TTS/FAS/GSA leadership, to other government leaders, to prospective partners, to the Fed Tech press, and to the public.

It is important to note that the project impact program is not intended to be an accountability tool for individuals or project teams. Instead, it’s part of our org-wide culture of continuous learning and improvement and organizational accountability.


Norah and Ann!


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