AI‐Driven Code Review and Optimization - 180D-FW-2023/Knowledge-Base-Wiki GitHub Wiki

AI-Driven Code Review and Optimization



AI-driven code review and optimization is a new and upcoming form of technology that greatly increases the efficiency, productivity, and accuracy of software engineering. It is also something that could also be very useful for this class, as we have a lot of coding in our projects. Through artificial intelligence, software development becomes much easier and in this article we will explore the revolutionary technology known as AI-driven code review and optimization. It will specifically be exploring its pros and cons, challenges, use cases, necessary technology behind it, and the future of the technology.

1. Code Review and Optimization

Before artificial intelligence was created and used to write code, people reviewed and optimized code on their own. This means that software developers would look through one another’s code line by line to find errors or possible optimizations that could be made to improve things such as the Big-O in order to increase code speed. For example, from personal experience, I always ran code with my friends and classmates for potential changes and had no other sources to check my work. It is a time consuming and imperfect method that could afford to be changed or enhanced a little bit. This is because people can only check code so fast and are still susceptible to making their own errors. Furthermore, as software becomes increasingly more complex and harder to implement, they also become harder to check for bugs and optimize. Therefore, we need a faster and stronger tool to make this job easier and this is where artificial intelligence came in. AI-driven code review and optimization transformed software development and has managed to automate many of its processes. Furthermore, it can manage a lot of code at once and make more advanced code fixes. As a result, the accuracy and speed at which we have been able to scrutinize code has increased drastically.

2. Benefits of AI-Driven Code Review and Optimization

One of the greatest benefits of AI-driven code review and optimization is the significant improvement in the standards of the code. This technology is very proficient when it comes to finding syntax errors, potential security loopholes, and other code bugs. It offers high quality fixes and also adheres to the high quality coding practices. Because of the decrease in software errors, there are less security problems and system failures. Systems in general have become more reliable. In addition, performance of the system is also upgraded. This technology suggests exceptional code fixes that make software applications faster and more efficient, which decreases necessary resources and makes things easier for the user. Finally, while artificial intelligence works on the review, developers can work on other projects or more complex systems that cannot yet be handled by the AI tools. Overall, the result is a great increase in productivity, development, and ease in meeting project deadlines as shown in the graph below.


3. Challenges and Limitations

Some challenges and limitations that need to be considered are privacy, security, and adjusting systems that are currently in place to utilize AI-driven code review and optimization to the fullest. First of all, using AI tools to check code raises concerns about data privacy and security since it can be used to analyze the user or company’s original code. Companies have to keep in mind where code is being processed and know/understand what is happening to that information to protect it, especially if that information is highly sensitive. Additionally, people still need to oversee the development of AI recommendations. Having systems fully driven by artificial intelligence is not an easy task and some established practices may even need to be restructured from the ground up. However, in the long run benefits will outweigh the daunting task that we currently face now.

4. Necessary Technologies Behind AI-Driven Code Review and Optimization

Machine learning and natural language are at the forefront of necessary technologies that allow AI-driven code review and optimization to function. Machine learning allows for the analysis of thousands of datasets of code, make sense of patterns, and produce predictions in regards to code fixes, potential optimizations, and code bugs or issues. As a subset of machine learning, neural networks are also important. This allows for the modeling of complex relationships in code to make projections based on known patterns. Natural language allows AI systems to understand and create human-readable code or comments. It basically allows artificial intelligence to speak the human language. Other technologies include static and dynamic analysis. This allows examination of the given code before and during execution of the code. So, issues can be identified during both compile-time and runtime. Overall, these technologies are imperative to the functions of artificial intelligence in regards to fixing code. It gives the AI system the ability to never stop learning and enhancing code which increases its accuracy and effectiveness.


5. Current Use Cases

Artificial intelligence can look through repositories such as github and grab examples to find and suggest code. The code produced will be consistent and will be of the highest quality. Additionally, this can be done in a matter of seconds. Unlike people who will need time to think and find resources to produce potential answers, AI systems are quick in processing and finding resources that might be useful. image

This technology is something that is already available to anybody. For example, chatgpt, this AI can suggest code and edit code that it is prompted to change. It offers code suggestions instantly which greatly helps efficiency. Another example is Google Bard. This bot functions similarly to chatgpt and can also increase efficiency and accuracy of code. In this day and age, there are many options when it comes to having AI help people with code or any other questions. These are just two of the many and are possibly not even the most advanced out of the other options.

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6. Future Directions

As artificial intelligence in general continues to advance, there will be a need for new regulations to make sure the use of AI systems and technologies is ethical. Furthermore, artificial intelligence will start to become normalized in society which increases the need for these rules. However, apart from the more troublesome side that will need to be thought about, it will also increase productivity and quality of the work of people. Specifically, in terms of code, new challenges of coding will be solved and the quality of the code will keep increasing. More intricate and well developed systems will arise and AI-driven code review and optimization will be one of the technologies at the forefront of this revolution.


In conclusion, AI-driven code review and optimization has opened a gateway to a new era in software. The benefits this technology has given us have been ground breaking. The speed and efficiency at which code can be fixed and increased in quality is continuously growing as artificial intelligence continues to advance. But as stated in a famous quote “with great power also comes great responsibility”, so we need to be able to use this technology ethically and make sure we do not misuse it. The future with artificial intelligence is very promising as long as we do our part in continuing to develop it and use it appropriately.

