Instructions for committing code! - 1757Robotics/2015T-shirtRobot GitHub Wiki

To get familiarized with the github workflow, go here or here

We are going to be interfacing with the team's github completely though eclipse and the management tools on this website.

Make sure that your Eclipse has the MyLyn plugin, that uses Egit/Jgit to interact with GitHub. This is already part of the C++/C developer's version of Eclipse found here.

How to add the project to Eclipse: To get started, make sure you have a GitHub account that has been invited to collaborate on the project (only the owner can do this).

  1. In Eclipse go to File--> Import and select "Projects from Git" under the "Git" folder.

  2. Select Clone URI and copy the link from the project page. Make sure that HTTPS is selected.

Highlighted area where to copy and paste from 3. Enter your username and password into the box below and click Next

  1. Make sure this project's destination is in your git folder, and that another instance of this project isn't already in there. Click Next.

  2. Select Import existing Eclipse project and click Next.

  3. Click Finish

How to choose/create a branch to work in: When adding code to the project, make a branch, or use a branch that is meant for your changes, so they can be added later on.

  1. Right click on the project and go to Team--> SwitchTo-->

  2. Either create a branch with a meaningful name or select correct branch you want to add to. If you don't see all the branches select other, view the remote branches and select the proper branch.

How to add your changes to GitHub: Before doing this, make sure you have completed the steps above first, and that you are committing to the right branch.

  1. Go to Team--> Commit. Type in a descriptive message of what you changed, and click on "Commit and Push". If you choose commit, it will only change your local version in your git folder.

  2. Enter your username and password and click OK.

  3. If you get a fast-forward error when committing read below, if not, skip this step This means that the remote branch has received commits which your local branch does not have. Essentially, the remote and local files are out of sync and this error attempts to avoid any loss of work. -- Talk to Ryan or Andrew

How to Submit a Pull Request: When you think your work on the branch should be added to the main code branches, you can submit a pull request on -- Talk to Ryan or Andrew