07: Volatile area script - 14aag/mission_template GitHub Wiki

Explosive area script

Place down “Object > Game logic” It is the epicenter of the explosion. Select everything in the building you want to disappear once the explosion goes off and sync it to the Game Logic object.

Add [this, 50, 0.2] call efn_volatile_area_fnc_init; to the Game logic object.


Look in the config viewer to find the damage value of the explosive you want to use. rule of thumb: A explosive Charge (C4) is value 500, a HE 40mm is 80 and a grenade is 6.

Chance explosion from near-by volatility.

If you want to make the chance for it exploding from other volatile sources (rockets, grenades etc) within 150 meters lower or higher change the 0.2 from 0.0 up to 1 for the chance. In the current example, there is a 20% chance.