03: General 3DEN & Zeus scripts tip tricks - 14aag/mission_template GitHub Wiki
In this post I am gathering all sorts of tricks and tips of things you can do in 3DEN and Zeus to make your life easier. Most of these are going to include some sort scripting or code.
AI can see their own minefields
When in Zeus run local code: { east revealMine _x } forEach allMines
This will reveal the mines to everyone on the side that you list. The sides are: east for OPFOR, west for BLUFOR, independent for INDFOR and civilian for Civilians.
A little side-note about mines at the time of writing: APERS Bounding mines cannot be disarmed, refer to using normal APERS mines if you want players to be able to disarm them.
Vehicles stop responding to orders.
You know how sometimes a vehicle you just had AI go into in Zeus just does not move? Well it’s because the slot that needs the group leader does not have a group leader in it. The following code will attempt to fix that.
if (effectiveCommander _vehicle != leader group effectiveCommander _vehicle) then {
[group effectiveCommander _vehicle, effectiveCommander _vehicle] remoteExec ["selectLeader", effectiveCommander _vehicle];
Adding Cargo space to Vehicle ZEUS.
Add [_this, 20] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSpace
in Zeus to the vehicle execute box. And pres OK. The 20 in the example code is the amount of spaces. Setting it to -1 removes the cargo completely.
No fire zone in 3DEN
You can create a zone that disables all weapons in 3DEN and there is a module in ZEUS that disables all weapons cross mission. In Eden you put down a trigger and fill it in as the below picture implies.
High Res picture. You have to put the following lines in the following boxes.
Trigger: Expression
Condition: vehicle ace_player in thisList;
On Activation: [true] call efn_common_fnc_safeZone;
On Deactivation: [false] call efn_common_fnc_safeZone;
Group names in 3DEN
Add NAME@GROUPNAME to the leader of a group and it’ll show up that way in the selection screen. Group names from 3DEN itself do not transfer. The first one you spawn is at the top of the list. The order is in the order you add them to the group leader.