Sprint Retrospective Meetings - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki
Sprint Retrospective Meeting 1
Date: 20 September 2018
We need to make sure that we are up to date with our documentation.
We need to report our issues to the group in our daily scrum meetings so that we can receive assistance from the other group members.
The first sprint was quite large as we were delayed due to the exploration of many choices of tools to use., We tried a few and they did not work so we used up a lot of time in that process.
We misunderstood the fact that Agile methodologies focus more on product as opposed to documentation and we understood it as "we don't need any documentation". This has caused us to lose marks during our Spring Evaluation Meeting and we need to fix this in future.
Sprint Retrospective Meeting 2
Date: 8 October 2018
- We need to help with uploading of csv data to site
- We will leave the integration of our website with AJAX to a later stage as it is not essential
- We were a little rushed because this sprint was very quick
Sprint Retrospective Meeting 3
Date: 2 November 2018
- Need to get details from Steve on how to access LDAP
- We need to refine and fix up our diagram views before the next review meeting
- We need to also focus on exams
Sprint Retrospective Meeting 4
Date: 2 November 2018
- The LDAP was a struggle but it helped when we all met together to fix it
- The exams have slowed down the burndown rate of this project