Sprint Planning & Review Meetings - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki
Sprint Planning Meeting 1
Date: 8 August 2018
Steve has the algorithm to predict students' future marks. He will be getting it for us ASAP.
We will need to code up a dummy algorithm in the meantime. This can use any programming language. We will integrate the algorithm with the website closer to the end of the process.
Sections for the code in Steve's mind:
- User views per class. Has spreadsheet with everyone in class. Highlight in red if certainty to fail is high. (1) (This number is the priority)
- % of people failed per class. (2)
- Get data from previous years. Compare previous year failed data.(3)
- Comparisons between courses. (6)
- Be able to plot different courses on same graph. (7)
- Take results and generate report (export to PDF or spreadsheet) (8)
- Need login system that is linked to wits login system. Would be nice if lecturer can only look at his course or his year. People in faculty/ head of school should be able to look at everything. (Depends on existing system) (4)
- Admin account.(5)
- Linked to Moodle as a plugin. Design as standalone and then move on to Moodle. (9)
- Code up machine learning algorithm. (10)
- Sprint 1 is deemed large by the members of the group in terms of size.
Sprint Planning & Review Meeting 2
Date: 20 September 2018
Steve is content with our progress and agrees that the acceptance criteria for sprint 1 have been met and as such we can move to sprint 2.
Steve has found that the algorithm that was initially meant to be integrated into the website was substandard and has decided to code it himself from the ground up. This means that there will be a delay in receiving the algorithm and integrating it into our website.
Steve wants us to change our focus to uploading new marks to the database.
If we have time during the next sprint then we will also be working on plotting the data in the database.
In terms of difficulty, Sprint 3 should be a large task to tackle.
Sprint Planning Meeting 3
Date: 8 October 2018
What Steve wants us to focus on:
- Display class a year
- Create dashboard to redirect on first opening of app
- In statistic show all results for previous years ; remove the year selector
- When user click on more info, popup of student info card same as dashboard one
- Change text of more info on grade book to view person
- Add question mark to display format of csv file
Sprint Planning Meeting 4
Date: 2 November 2018
- Happy with the new layout and one-application upgrade
- Create Admin account to adjust database (add new users and assign them to courses)
- Create and admin user type
- Change text of more info to personal info
- Integrate the system with LDAP so that a Wits lecturer can access the application using their own details
- Add year filtering option to the report generation
Sprint Planning Meeting 5
Date: 22 November 2018
- Remove dashboard page
- Fix LDAP login
UPDATE: We went to speak to Richard about LDAP for staff members and he said that there may be an error in the staff member settings and that is why it is not allowing staff members to log in. It works for students but it is out of our control whether that can be fixed, so we cannot do anything about that.