Requirements Engineering - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes:

  • Use CS spreadsheet and moodle data. Spreadsheet format.

  • Has document algorithm. We will need to code up. Any programming language. Keep closer to the end.

User Stories:

  1. User views per class. Has spreadsheet with everyone in class. Highlight in red if certainty to fail is high. (1)
  2. % of people failed per class. (2)
  3. Get data from previous years. Compare previous year failed data.(3)
  4. Comparisons between courses. (6)
  5. Be able to plot different courses on same graph. (7)
  6. Take results and generate report (export to PDF or spreadsheet) (8)
  7. Need login system that is linked to wits login system. Would be nice if lecturer can only look at his course or his year. People in faculty/ head of school should be able to look at everything. (Depends on existing system) (4)
  8. Admin account.(5)
  9. Linked to Moodle as a plugin. Design as standalone and then move on to Moodle. (9)
  10. Code up machine learning algorithm. (10)