Requirements Engineering - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki
Meeting Notes:
Use CS spreadsheet and moodle data. Spreadsheet format.
Has document algorithm. We will need to code up. Any programming language. Keep closer to the end.
User Stories:
- User views per class. Has spreadsheet with everyone in class. Highlight in red if certainty to fail is high. (1)
- % of people failed per class. (2)
- Get data from previous years. Compare previous year failed data.(3)
- Comparisons between courses. (6)
- Be able to plot different courses on same graph. (7)
- Take results and generate report (export to PDF or spreadsheet) (8)
- Need login system that is linked to wits login system. Would be nice if lecturer can only look at his course or his year. People in faculty/ head of school should be able to look at everything. (Depends on existing system) (4)
- Admin account.(5)
- Linked to Moodle as a plugin. Design as standalone and then move on to Moodle. (9)
- Code up machine learning algorithm. (10)