Backlog Refinement Meetings - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki

Backlog Refinement Meeting 1

Date: 20 September 2018


User Stories

  1. As a developer, I would like to populate the database, so that users can access the data


  • Create CSV with random names
  • Create CSV with random surnames
  • Create random name generator
  • Create user interface that uploads CSV
  • Upload database to Wit's lamp servers
  • Data uploaded assumes no one is repeating the course
  1. As a lecturer, I would like to easily interact with the database so that I can later on add marks to the system


  • Test database locally on Xampp
  • Deploy to Wits servers
  • Write documentation to make collaborators understand the API
  1. As a ordinary lecturer, I would like to be able to view student marks


  • Use a template dashboard and adapt it to our project
  • Change colour from purple to blue
  1. As a developer, I would like to integrate the dashboard with our database so that the user can view live data in the database


  • Populate database with a few datapoints

  • Allow user to view this data

  • The first sprint was quite large and we should choose less intense user stories to focus on in the coming sprint. We expended a lot of effort getting the back-end of the project up and running that we didn't manage to show much of a change in the front end.

  • We are at the stage where each group member can work on different aspects of the code in parallel so that is the approach we will be using moving forward so as to get more work done in the coming sprint.

Backlog Refinement Meeting 2

Date: 8 October 2018


User Stories:

  1. As a lecturer, I would like to be able to browse my computer to upload a file with the latest marks for a class.

Tasks: The user should press a button to upload a selected csv file.

  1. As a lecturer, I would like to be able to view the statistics of the classes in the database visually.


  • The user should be able to view items in the copy of the live version of the database
  • The user should be able to select a class
  • The user should be able to select a date
  • The user should be able to view graphs representing data for each class (1st year COMS classes)
  1. As a lecturer I would like to access a home dashboard interface once I have logged in to the system so that I can use the system.


  • There is a dashboard page that links to each of the other pages: home, grade book, statistics, uploading marks
  • This page should allow the user to log out of the system
  1. As a lecturer I would like to view the current year and class that I have selected so that I know which classes and years I am currently viewing.


  • Once the user has selected a class, they should see the class name appear on screen
  • Once the user has selected a year, they should see the year appear on screen

Backlog Refinement Meeting 3

Date: 2 November 2018


User Stories

  1. As a lecturer, I would like to access a home page where I will be able to see the latest marks that I have uploaded so that I can keep track of what marks are on the database at different times of using the application

Tasks: *There should be a list of the latest uploaded marks *There should be some sort of graph so that the user can see this clearly

  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to see a graph on the home page which will show me, graphically the number of people that have passes vs the number of people who failed and the class average in my previous mark upload


  • Should be able to see graph representing pass to fail ratio on home page
  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to click on a question mark button to see what the format of the CSV file will need to be so that I know what format my CSV file should be before I attempt to upload new marks


  • Show "Use comma , separated csv file"
  • Have button which links to image that will show format required
  1. As a lecturer, I would like to be able to import data using drag and drop, so that the latest marks can be available in the system


  • Create a mock up file in html
  • Check using fixed CSV
  • Check using CSV from file explorer
  • Make CSV editable
  • Be able to upload multiple CSVs
  • Make CSV tables collapsable
  • Integrate with Dashboard
  • Connect to database
  1. As a lecturer I would like to use the application as a single page web-app so that I don't need to work with page redirects and this will make the experience more immersive


  • Use Ajax to get data from the database
  • Webpage should be on single page and controlled by angular js
  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to click on a 'More Info' button on the grade book page to pop up a card with student information so that I can use these details to more wholly understand the performance of the student


  • The pop up should work when the button is clicked
  • The details will be built-in until we receive real data from Steve
  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to view graphs that will show the students marks for their various courses so that I can graphically see the student's various marks more easily than I would with numbers


  • Should show correct marks
  • Should show correct averages
  1. As a lecturer, I would like to be able to generate reports on data so I can save them to my system and so it can be presented in lecturer evaluations


  • User should be able to get a general PDF
  • User should be able to specify details for PDF: course, year and assessment

Backlog Refinement Meeting 4

Date: 22 November 2018


User Stories

  1. As a lecturer I would no longer like to see a dashboard, I would like to go directly to the home page so that I can use the application faster and the dashboard page is an unnecessary step.


  • Remove dashboard page
  • Direct login to home page
  1. As a lecturer I would like to integrate the app with LDAP so that I can login with my Wits credentials


  • Allow staff member to login with Wits credentials
  • When a new user signs in, they should be added to the database
  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to access an admin page which allows me to link myself or other lecturers to particular courses that I/they teach so that I can keep the database updated with the latest teaching details


  • Create admin page
  • Have a card which shows the lecturers in the database that are not assigned to a specific class
  • Have a card which shows available classes that the lecturer can be assigned to
  • Have button which will add these assignments to the database
  1. As a lecturer I would like to be able to view graphs for all previous years on the statistics page so that I can more easily compare the performance of classes through the years


  • Access the JSON data for multiple years
  • Display these data points in Chartist data graphs
  1. As a lecturer, I would like to be able to get % failure per class shown on the graph so that I can get an idea of how well a class is doing numerically


  • Enable Chartist to show the % on that specific section of the graph