Acceptance Criteria - 1272371/Atom GitHub Wiki
Sprint 1
As a lecturer, I would like to have a user interface to access the web application so that I can decide if the current layout suits what was intended (Large)
Accepted if: UI
- 1) The UI has an interface where I can select a user from the class
- 2) This UI should be able to function on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
Code Coverage
- 3) Get coverage set up
Test Driven Development
- 4) Get Travis-CI set up and have it passing
- 5) Have a architecture and design document on the Github Wiki
- 6) If you don't select a student, then error will occur (fail)
Sprint 2
As a lecturer, I would like to be able to view students and their marks (Medium)
Accepted if: UI
- 1) This UI should be able to function on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
- 2) Should be able to see data on database through the web interface Grade
- 3) Should be able to select student from the database and view the student's latest marks
- 4) There should be a few students and marks in the database (enough to see that the correct results are begin displayed in the dashboard)
Test Driven Development
- 5) Travis should be passing
Code Coverage
- 7) CodeCov should be working > 50%
- 8) Keep architecture and Design document updated with latest features
- 9) If incorrect data being shown (fail)
Sprint 3
As a lecturer I would like to be able to view graphs of class statistics and I would like to upload a mark file which should import the marks into the database.
Accepted if: Upload
- 1) A CSV file can be located by browsing and uploaded to the database
- 2) Should be able to view students from specific classes
- 3) Should be able to view statistics regarding classes
- 4) The UI should be integrated with a copy of the live student database
- 5) The class selector should correctly filter the data by class
- 6) The date selector should correctly filter data by date
- 7) If the incorrect graphs are being generated (fail) Upload
- 8) If the uploaded csv file data is incorrectly formatted (fail)
Test Driven Development
- 9) Travis should be passing
Code Coverage
- 10) CodeCov should be working > 70%
- 11) Keep architecture and Design document updated with latest features
Sprint 4
As a lecturer I would like to be able to view graphs of students performance and their predictions for each of their marks.
Accepted if: Grades
- 1) The user should be able to view the student's marks graphically in graphs
- 2) The user should be able to view the (dummy) prediction of the student's performance
Test Driven Development
- 3) Travis should be passing Code Coverage
- 4) CodeCov should be working > 90% Documentation
- 5) Keep architecture and Design document updated with latest features
Sprint 5
As a lecturer I would like to log in using my Wits Staff number and password.
- 1) The user should be able to log in using my Wits Staff number and password.
- 2) There should be a warning if the wrong username or password is entered. Admin Page
- 3) Should be able to see lecturers that haven't been assigned to a class yet.
- 4) Should be able to select classes to assign to a lecturer
- 5) Should be able to click a button to assign the lecturer to their respective classes
Test Driven Development
- 6) Travis should be passing
Code Coverage
- 7) CodeCov should be working > 95%
- 8) Keep architecture and Design document updated with latest features