Custom Control - 10quality/wpmvc-addon-metaboxer GitHub Wiki

Create custom controls that can later be used as field types, allowing you to expand the capabilities of your fields.

Create control class

Create a new class that extends from WPMVC\Addons\Metaboxer\Abstracts\Control, i.e. example:

namespace [MyNamespace]/Controls;

use WPMVC\Addons\Metaboxer\Abstracts\Control;

class DuplicatorControl extends Control
    // TODO

Define the control type with a constant and use it to define the value of property $type, like this:

// Namespace and use statements...
class DuplicatorControl extends Control
     * Control type.
     * @var string
    const TYPE = 'duplicator';
     * The control type, acts like ID identifier.
     * @var string
    protected $type = self::TYPE;

Enqueue assets

Use method enqueue() if the control needs to enqueue a script or styles before being rendered in the settings page:

// Namespace and use statements...
class DuplicatorControl extends Control
    // Other properties...
     * Enqueues styles and scripts especific to the control.
    public function enqueue()
            assets_url( 'css/duplicator.css', __FILE__ ),


Use method render() to render and print the control, this method will be called by the add-on the moment needed to display a field:

// Namespace and use statements...
class DuplicatorControl extends Control
    // Other properties and methods...
     * Renders output.
     * @param array $args
    public function render( $args = [] )
        // In the following example, a view, within the
        // plugin or theme, is used to render the custom
        // control
        get_bridge( 'MyNamespace' )->view( '', $args );

Render args

By default, the following arguments will always be present:

Array key Array value
id The field ID.
value The value to be displayed in the control. This will be the value wanted to be saved, the value saved or the default value for the field.
html_attributes HTML attributes defined for the control.

Other arguments will be passed depending on the configuration set in the model's fields.

For example, if the following field is defined:

class Post extends Model
    // Class properties and methods...

    protected function init()
        $this->metaboxes = [
            'metabox_id' => [
                'tabs' => [
                    'tab_id' => [
                        'fields' => [

                            'duplicator' => [
                                'type' => 'duplicator',
                                'options' => [...],
                                'title' => __( 'Duplicator', 'my-domain' ),
                                'control' => [...],


$args['options'] and $args['control'] will also be passed by.

Render using a view

The control does not need to render the title nor the description of the field, these are already being rendered by the add-on.

Following the examples above, the view could look like:

<input type="text"
    id="<?php echo esc_attr( $id ) ?>"
    name="<?php echo esc_attr( $id ) ?>"
    value="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ) ?>"
    <?php echo $html_attributes ?>
<?php foreach ( $options as $key => $label ) : ?>
    <span id="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ) ?>"><?php echo esc_attr( $label ) ?></span>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php if ( isset( $control ) ) : ?>
    <!-- DO something with control data -->
<?php endif ?>

Footer templates

Use method footer() to render templates at the bottom of the post form:

// Namespace and use statements...
class DuplicatorControl extends Control
    // Other properties and methods...
     * Renders footer templates.
    public function footer()
        // In the following example, a view, within the
        // plugin or theme, is used to render the custom
        // control
        get_bridge( 'MyNamespace' )->view( '', $args );

Register control

Use the following filter hook to register your control:

use [MyNamespace]\Controls\DuplicatorControl;

add_filter( 'metaboxer_controls', function( $controls ) {
    $controls[DuplicatorControl::TYPE] = DuplicatorControl::class;
    return $controls;
} );
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