Control: Media - 10quality/wpmvc-addon-metaboxer GitHub Wiki

Control used as a field type to display media (call to Media uploader / Media Library).


class Post extends Model
    // Class properties and methods...

    protected function init()
        $this->metaboxes = [
            'metabox_id' => [
                'tabs' => [
                    'tab_id' => [
                        'fields' => [

                            'image' => [
                                'type' => 'media',
                                'title' => __( 'Image' ),

                            'file_url' => [
                                'type' => 'media',
                                'title' => __( 'File URL' ),
                                'description' => __( 'Custom file upload.' ),
                                'control' => [
                                    'wide' => true,
                                    'button_label' => __( 'Add file' ),
                                    'icon' => 'fa-file',
                                    'attributes' => [
                                        'data-show-input' => 1,
                                        'data-id-value' => 0,
                            // Other fields...

Control options

Control Data type Description
wide bool Flag that indicates if the input (is not hidden) should display wider or small.
show_icon bool Flag that indicates if the button should display media icon. Default: true
icon string Font awesome v4 icon.
button_label string Button label. Default: Add media
attributes array List of HTML attributes to set control options (see the list of options here). Skip data-editor, name, and value as this are set by the addon automatically.