Control: Repeater - 10quality/wpmvc-addon-administrator GitHub Wiki
Controls used as field types to open and close a repeater wrapper, allowing multiple fields to get repeated upon the user indication.
NOTE: Not all field controls are supported with the repeater.
This control doesn't need a specific id, so you can use uniqid()
as field ID, see an example:
// Namespace and use statement...
class Settings extends Model
// Class properties...
protected function init()
// Other properties...
$this->tabs = [
'tab_id' => [
'fields' => [
uniqid() => [
'type' => 'repeater_open',
'field_id1' => [...],
'field_id2' => [...],
uniqid() => [
'type' => 'repeater_close',
// Other fields...
NOTE: When a repeater is opened, existing sections will be closed first. Sections and separators will close an opened repeater.
Each field wrapper inside a repeater will have an array as its value, for example:
$settings = Settings::instance();
// Print array
print_r( $settings->field_id1 );
Field options
This control allows for the following special field options:
// Namespace and use statement...
class Settings extends Model
// Class properties...
protected function init()
// Other properties...
$this->tabs = [
'tab_id' => [
'fields' => [
'resolutions' => [
'type' => 'repeater_open',
// Repeater title. Default: repeater ID.
'title' => __( 'Resolutions', 'my-domain' ),
// Repeater description. Default: Empty
'description' => __( 'Screen (monitor) resolutions..', 'my-domain' ),
// Repeate/add button label. Default: 'Add'
'repeate_label' => __( 'Add resolution', 'my-domain' ),
// Repeate/add button icon (Font Awesome v4). Default: 'fa-plus-circle'
'repeate_icon' => 'fa-plus',
// Remove confirmation message. Default: 'Remove item?'
'remove_message' => __( 'Do you want to remove this resolution?', 'my-domain' ),
'resolution_name' => [
'title' => __( 'Name' ),
'control' => [
'wide' => true,
'resolution_size' => [
'title' => __( 'Size' ),
'control' => [
'type' => 'number',
'attributes' => [
'min' => '360'
uniqid() => [
'type' => 'repeater_close',
// Other fields...
Custom indexes
The repeater allows items to have their indexes edited and updated with string values, improving its handling during coding.
When the "Edit index" action button of a repeated item is clicked, a small editor will appear and will allow for the index to be changed:
String/custom indexes will appear with a small label/tag on top of an input:
Custom indexes can later be used in code like this:
$settings = Settings::instance();
// Access data using custom index
echo $settings->resolution_size['hd'];
echo $settings->resolution_size['4k'];
Remove repeated item
Click the "Remove" button to remove a repeated item.
Supported controls
Control |
input |
select |
select2 |
textarea |
switch |
colorpicker |
datepicker |
datetimepicker |
media |