Token - 10quality/license-keys-php-client GitHub Wiki

This endpoint is only available for the paid extension.

token() requests the token endpoint and returns the response.

Call and parameters

$response = Api::token($client, $getClosure);


Parameter Type Description
$client Client An instance of the client.
$getClosure Closure (callable on php5) A function that should return an instance of LicenseRequest. Use LicenseRequest::token() to send a request for this endpoint.


Type Description
null If response is empty.
object The decoded response as an object. Use isset($response->error) to check if response had an error. Use isset($response->access_token) to check if response is a token.


The following example will show how to request a token.

$licenseKey = '1564d65f4s6165esample-1';

$token = Api::token(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() use($licenseKey) {

        // Use LicenseRequest::token() for this endpoint

        return LicenseRequest::token(
            '', // API's base url


API Handlers

You can specify the API handler to use when creating the license request, is the 3rd parameter. If no handler is specified, WP Ajax configuration will be used as default.

$licenseKey = '1564d65f4s6165esample-1';

$token = Api::token(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() use($licenseKey) {

        // Use LicenseRequest::token() for this endpoint

        return LicenseRequest::token(
            '', // API's base url


Using the token

The captured $token must be used to set the authorization header for the activate, validate and deactivate endpoints.

if (isset($token->access_token)) {
    $response = Api::activate(
        Client::instance()->header('Authorization', $token->token_type . ' ' . $token->access_token),
        function() {
           // Code here...
        function($licenseString) {
           // Code here...