Method: Check - 10quality/license-keys-php-client GitHub Wiki

check() requests the validate endpoint and returns the response. In comparison to the validate() method, check() does not validate the license string or perform retries.

Call and parameters

$response = Api::check($client, $getClosure, $setClosure);


Parameter Type Description
$client Client An instance of the client.
$getClosure Closure (callable on php5) A function that should return an instance of LicenseRequest.
$setClosure Closure (callable on php5) A function used removed and delete the activated license string.


Type Description
null If response is empty.
object The decoded response as an object. Use $response->error to check if response had an error. Use $response->errors for the list of errors. Use $response->message for the message returned by the API.


The following example will show how to deactivate a license key and how to delete the stored license string.

$response = Api::check(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() {

        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Code here...
        // Code to load the LICENSE STRING saved on activation.
        // Apply decryption if necessary.
        // ---------------------------------------------

        // MUST RETURN AN INSTANCE OF LicenseRequest

        return new LicenseRequest($licenseString);

    }, // getClosure
    function($licenseString) {

        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Code here...
        // Code to update the LICENSE STRING saved on activation.
        // Apply encryption if necessary.
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // as sample

    } // setClosure