Endpoint: Validate - 10quality/license-keys-php-client GitHub Wiki

API's validate endpoint will let you validate a license key activated.

Call and parameters

$isValid = Api::validate($client, $getClosure, $setClosure);


Parameter Type Description
$client Client An instance of the client.
$getClosure Closure (callable on php5) A function that should return an instance of LicenseRequest.
$setClosure Closure (callable on php5) A function used to save or store somewhere the activated license string.
$force bool Force validation against API. Default: false
$allowRetry bool If the is not connection with the server, allow validation to retry later. Default: false
$retryAttempts int Amount of connection retries allowed before returning validation as false. Default: w
$retryFrequency string When should next retry validation occur. See strtotime() values. Default: +1 hour


Type Description
bool Flag indicating if license key is valid or not.


The following example will show how to validate an activated license key and how to update its license string.

$isValid = Api::validate(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() {

        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Code here...
        // Code to load the LICENSE STRING saved on activation.
        // Apply decryption if necessary.
        // ---------------------------------------------

        // MUST RETURN AN INSTANCE OF LicenseRequest

        return new LicenseRequest($licenseString);

    }, // getClosure
    function($licenseString) {

        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Code here...
        // Code to update the LICENSE STRING saved on activation.
        // Apply encryption if necessary.
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // as sample

    } // setClosure

Make sure to store and update the $licenseString in somewhere safe. Add your encryption/decryption method of choice if necessary.

NOTE: The client will only validate against the API based on the frequency set during activation. When not validating against the API directly, the client will validate the license key with the data retrieved and stored in the license string.

Connection retries

You might want to allow retries, this will help keep your product valid of time if your license key server is down for any reason.