Endpoint: Activate - 10quality/license-keys-php-client GitHub Wiki

API's activate endpoint will let you activate and register a license key.

Call and parameters

$response = Api::activate($client, $getClosure, $setClosure);


Parameter Type Description
$client Client An instance of the client.
$getClosure Closure A function that should return an instance of LicenseRequest.
$setClosure Closure A function used to save or store somewhere the activated license string.


Type Description
null If response is empty.
object The decoded response as an object. Use $response->error to check if response had an error. Use $response->errors for the list of errors. Use $response->message for the message returned by the API. Use $response->data for the license key data.


The following example will show how to activate a license key and how to store the activated license string.

$licenseKey = '1564d65f4s6165esample-1';

$response = Api::activate(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() use($licenseKey) {

        // MUST RETURN AN INSTANCE OF LicenseRequest
        return LicenseRequest::create(
            'https://your-domain.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', // API's base url
            'YOUR-STORE', // API's store code
            'SKU', // Related product SKU
            LicenseRequest::DAILY_FREQUENCY // Frequency in which to will validate against the API

    }, // getClosure
    function($licenseString) {

        // ---------------------------------------------
        // Code here...
        // Code to save the LICENSE STRING somewhere.
        // Apply encryption if necessary.
        // ---------------------------------------------
        // as sample

    } // setClosure

Make sure to store the $licenseString in somewhere safe. Add your encryption method of choice if necessary.

Validation frequency

You can set the validation frequency when creating an instance of LicenseRequest. The validation frequency will dictate how frequent should the client validate the activated license key against the API service. This is used to optimize calls to your API and create less stress as possible. When not validating against the API directly, the client will validate the license key with the data retrieved and stored in the license string.

Frequency options

// For daily validations
// For weekly validations
// For hourly validations

You can also set a custom frequency using the format used for function strtotime. Sample:

    '+1 years' // Custom frequency to validate once a year.

API Handlers

You can specify the API handler to use when creating the license request, is the sixth parameter (after frequency). If no handler is specified, WP Ajax configuration will be used as default.

$licenseKey = '1564d65f4s6165esample-1';

$response = Api::activate(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() use($licenseKey) {

        return LicenseRequest::create(
            'https://your-domain.com', // API's base url
            'YOUR-STORE', // API's store code
            'SKU', // Related product SKU
            LicenseRequest::DAILY_FREQUENCY, // Frequency
            'wp_rest' // API Handler

    function($licenseString) {
        // Code here...

Available handlers

  • WP Ajax
  • Wordpress REST API

WP Ajax

To use this handler, simply don't specify anything during creation. All code samples in the wiki use this handler.

Wordpress REST API

Use string wp_rest to specify this handler. Also, make sure to specify your root domain URL (removing /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php) as base URL (without any / slash at the end). See example:

$licenseKey = '1564d65f4s6165esample-1';

$response = Api::activate(
    Client::instance(), // Client instance
    function() use($licenseKey) {

        return LicenseRequest::create(
            'https://your-domain.com', // API's base url
            'wp_rest' // API Handler

    function($licenseString) {
        // Code here...